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cmpartners - One problemo!


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I was wondering if there was anything I could do to make the 'Scrapper' beast companion help me attack 'good' npc's like guards, etc. I read that I should be able to add him to my player faction and he'll attack whatever I do, so I created my own mod using cs and added evilsolo and partners/playerfaction factions. He still turns on me when I attack 'good' npc's though, and I've also tried manually typing in setfactionrank in the console as well, but that didn't seem to work--any suggestions? Thank you very much!
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Did you try lowering his responsibility?


I tried it, but he still turned on me. I found that the EvilSolo faction doesn't make him ignore evil acts (like attacking a guard), but it still aligns him with vampires (so I know that the new mod I made is activated)-- I tried removing the faction through console and lowering responsibility and he went back to killing vampires normally, but I still couldn't kill good npcs without problems.


Thank you for the suggestion!

Edited by Jombone
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