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More Children Voices + Adopt Teenagers


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I love adopting kids in Skyrim and downloading mods which add more to adopt. The problem is there is only two voices. I know basically nothing about modding beyond simple companions (heck I fail at those half the time) So I was wondering if someone could add in more voices maybe as a resource like just all the generic adoption lines re recorded to give some variety or even make an adoptable child with a bit more personality lol.



My second idea is similar to make adoptable teenagers I mean there are orphaned people in the world older than ten irl so why not in game? Again there would have to be new voices added in since you can't have children's voices coming from a teen and the adult lines in game i doubt would work. Also with the other one you can give them some personality.



One mod that I'm sure most of us love is Interesting NPCs. Well (minor spoiler) but remember Olette the little girl in Riften she had personality and although not through Hearthfire you could adopt her. So a long with new voices and teenagers to adopt I'd like them to have personalities beyond "Hello you give me a septim Will you adopt me?" and then coming home to the same three lines spoken by six different kids.


In conclusion I couldnt be able to help much beyond rudimentary design of character and possibly voice acting a teen (18 but still got a pretty immature voice) but I do hope some of you will read this and least consider it heck just leave a response if you think it's a good Idea and know someone else who might do it.


Anyway thanks for listening to my rambling and I hope you'll think about it


Bye - Tye The Potato King

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