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How to add DLC Snowglobes to mod


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Hi all,


I'd be surprised if this wasn't discussed before but I couldn't find it when searching so here it is:


Does anyone know how to add the 4 DLC snowglobes to a home mod? I have both the Dead Money and Honest Hearts DLCs and their Snowglobes are on display in the Lucky 38 Suite. The problem is, when I use the GECK to look at the snowglobe shelf it doesn't appear to be anything special.


I don't know what to reference / activate in my mod to be able to add the DLC shelf in my custom home mod.


Any guidance would be appreciated - please feel free to just provide the link if this topic has already been addressed.



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First, if you add DLC content to your mod, you would need to make your mod dependent on the DLC from which the content is used (which means people who do not have that DLC would not be able to use your mod), just so we have that established.


The snow globes are under 'misc. items' in the GECK. It should be a simple matter of dragging the entry and dropping it in the rendor window after you load the interior of the house mod.

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In the base game, snowglobes in the Lucky38 are persistent objects which can be toggled and tracked. For the DLC's, Obsidian used a different approach. DLC globes are spawned as temporary objects via an OnAdd script attached to the globes you recover.


This creates a challenge for house modders in that there is no persistent indicator of any kind that a globe has been retrieved and added to the shelf at the Lucky38. One solution is to modify the globe scripts to concurrently add your house's globes when the Lucky38's are spawned. Downside is that it would not work retroactively on globes previously recovered and every house modder will end up conflicting on this script.


Why oh why Obsidian?

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