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What is your biggest Fallout 3 Confession?


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I can't really think of just one stand out confession, so here is a list instead. Hope that's okay.

  • I always looted those little fire hose things hoping to find something important.
  • I always check the milk bottles to see if there is any milk in them.
  • I liked to collect the intact garden gnomes so I can decorate my Megaton home with them.
  • I have a pile of teddy bears I "rescued" from the Wasteland piled on the bed in my Megaton house.
  • I stupidly drank so many Nuka-Cola Quantum's I ruined the "Nuka-Cola Challenge" quest for myself. It was stupid because I already had accepted the quest way earlier in the playthrough.
  • I didn't heal Sydney during the "Stealing Independence" quest because I didn't want to waste my Stimpaks. She is still limping around Underworld as a result of my selfishness.
  • I took an hour or so to find Megaton the first time. I was lost after exiting Vault 101.
  • It took me more than a day to finish the quest "Those!" because I was afraid of the giant fire ants.
  • The furthest I got into the Dunwich building was the main entrance. I was too afraid to go further and I left.
  • I killed the guy that demands you give him the sexy sleepwear after I gave it back to him because I knew it would be in better condition once it was in his possession.
Wow, I am guilty of several of these too! I collect the intact garden gnomes to decorate with, and I pile up ever teddy bear on my bed too! I never found Megaton for hours after starting my first playthrough as well. I walked out of the Vault, and instead of going straight ahead, I walked around the hill Vault 101 is built into and found the Raiders on the raised highway to the north west. I fought my way all the way to the end, dropped down and nearly broke my neck, and then wandered along the north side of the Potomac for hours, trying to find some place to sell all the stuff my inventory was jammed with. Edited by SubRosa_Florens
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Hey, the Sub of Rose returns :dance:


I also stuff my bed with teddy bears. It´s all neat but also an explosion waiting to happen :P



And another confession: I never give Walter the scrap metal anymore, now we´re talking full price :cool:

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I'm just getting back into this game after years of not playing. But, my usual routine was hoarding the crap out of anything edible. I stayed in Megaton and kept the fridge stocked. I could have fed the whole town lol.


Ooooh and intact garden gnomes...I had dozens of those little guys.

Edited by Evil D
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I hoarded Cherry bombs, and Pre War money. I had about half of the bobble heads at the end of the game. I never sold the Lincoln artifacts because I'm somewhat emotionally attached to them. I always carry a .32 pistol with me because I think they look cool.

Edited by BATTERup646
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I didn't heal Sydney during the "Stealing Independence" quest because I didn't want to waste my Stimpaks. She is still limping around Underworld as a result of my selfishness.


You savage.




I killed the guy that demands you give him the sexy sleepwear after I gave it back to him because I knew it would be in better condition once it was in his possession.



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  • 4 months later...

Hi, there are a few things i do.


I hoard prewar money.

I hoard all the random junk and weapons, armour and when I get a full load I dump it at the dump in Big Town. I have a mountain of junk there. I used to do this at the megaton bomb crater.

I mezzed Mr Burke and sold him to the slavers in Paradise Falls. I mezzed Shrapnel as well as Flak. I figured as they were mates they needed to be together. Sister got mezzed too. Basically a lot of people got mezzed.

I try to mezz the last raider or talon merc in a battle.

I avoid the Dunwich Building there be bad things there.

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  • 5 months later...

gosh.. I am shocked at all these confessions.. such depravity! Me, I am squeaky-clean, a proper haloed karma type goody-goody - I give pure water to the beggars, I rescue wastelanders from the clutches of the mutants.. I practically float I am so saintly - but I too have a confession.. I am a COWARD! There, I said it!

See, in RL I am a little old lady and my reflexes and brain jus don't work fast enough to guarantee my reactions will keep me ahead ( I found that out in STALKER - three scary games there, espesh if you have the misery mod), so, I cheat. I have a stealth suit on right from the get-go ( thankyou Commander Darwin), and I NEVER take it off (well, maybe when i am safely in my hidey-hole and want to take a bath) - how's that for cowardice - else I would be dead at the first raider attack. Just to make sure, I have two armed little eye-bot followers to distract the enemy, and ol Ugly-mug Fawkes after RR. I ensure I have a high sneak value, though to be fair I do make it 'realistic' in FWE and I keep my guns and clothing in top condition. They simply don't see me comin' and I can pick 'em off while my followers distract them - perfect!

Edited by pawzseven
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