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Mod seperation


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I'm only guessing here, but it is possible that they were lumped together because there were not enough mods for Morrowind to stand alone. TESNexus has a huge amount of Oblivion mods, but not many at all for Morrowind. Same goes for images in the Image Share...there is a majority Oblivion stuff. In addition, most modders have moved on from Morrowind, so a separate site for that game would probably just stagnate.


There are several other sites that focus on Morrowind more. Planet Elder Scrolls is one (though they do have lots of Oblivion mods, and are making way for Skyrim right now). Another good one is Elric Melnibone, although I don't know if people frequent that site anymore.


Here's a little something that messes with my "neat freak" streak (try saying that three times fast :tongue: ): the Skyrim subforum is separated from the Morrowind and Oblivion subforums. I keep wanting to click and drag it up there with the others. :biggrin:

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