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Looking for assisstance with model


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Just not seeing how this armor would work for your uses, An undead race wouldn't necessarily adorn themselves with bone... Maybe something like battered, torn, mismatched armor would fit better.


Tried adding the belt piece from the mythic dawn armor retextured to bone, gaps filled, lost the work (damn maxscript errors), but thats fine since it really wasn't looking right. While it did balence off things a bit, it was looking a bit too chunky for the rest of the armor, and didn't make it look any less cheesy. As for horns, I can't see how that would work to make anything better.


Might even want to see about using this http://forum.gamingsource.net/index.php?sh...10&start=10 just retextured to exclude the necromancerish stuff.


If you give me some pictures or something, I could probably fabricate it, or adapt current meshes, the problem is really finding something that would look right on a not-so decaying corpse.

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We've already come up with an armor that we think would look good on the undead, we're just asking you to model it. If you insist, I could somehom make a sketch of what I want with the horns, though I'm not sure what you didn't get clearly out of my last post. We're keeping the mesh you already made, just adding horns to the skulls. Don't worry about the mask, we've gotten something else. HORNS. ;)
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We've already come up with an armor that we think would look good on the undead, we're just asking you to model it. If you insist, I could somehom make a sketch of what I want with the horns, though I'm not sure what you didn't get clearly out of my last post. We're keeping the mesh you already made, just adding horns to the skulls. Don't worry about the mask, we've gotten something else. HORNS. ;)

Probably not understanding how you want them to be positioned or arranged. Also, for the skulls on the shoulders, do you want them to be tied to the shoulders (where the eyes are always facing up), or to the arms (where the eyes are usualy facing out, and the skull swings with the arms)? There will almost certainly be clipping issues no matter what, but since you probably don't want the skull bending, I would have to weight them to single bones. I would also assume that the ones on the knees should move with the shins?

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Probably not understanding how you want them to be positioned or arranged. Also, for the skulls on the shoulders, do you want them to be tied to the shoulders (where the eyes are always facing up), or to the arms (where the eyes are usualy facing out, and the skull swings with the arms)? There will almost certainly be clipping issues no matter what, but since you probably don't want the skull bending, I would have to weight them to single bones. I would also assume that the ones on the knees should move with the shins?


The arms and the shins.


I'm scrapping the horns idea. Can you finish up the model and send it to me? When you're done I'll pm you my email.


Good luck, and thanks!

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Theres still some minor clipping issues, but it works well enough, it's a bit high on the poly count though, and I can't really reduce it any more than what is already without having to rebuild the ribcage from scratch and form fitting it to the torso. Since it's a full body armor, this isn't too much an issue, but you may want to let people know about it since those with low end video cards will probably have some slow down.


I'll assume you'll want a female version as well? How did you want me to accomodate the breasts?

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Theres still some minor clipping issues, but it works well enough, it's a bit high on the poly count though, and I can't really reduce it any more than what is already without having to rebuild the ribcage from scratch and form fitting it to the torso. Since it's a full body armor, this isn't too much an issue, but you may want to let people know about it since those with low end video cards will probably have some slow down.


I'll assume you'll want a female version as well? How did you want me to accomodate the breasts?


Nice job. Very well done on the armor. Oh, and no female version. I don't need one for the mod. Thanks though! See your PM.

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