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M&B Warband New community/clan


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Hello everyone, The following is the description of a community I have recently joined. If you want to be recruited, PM me. Also feel free to post your opinions here. <<<IMPORTANT>>> the following is for the game "Mount and Blade Warband." It is not required that you join Warband's home site, Taleworlds.How ever it is highly recommended



Galactic Empire









Clan Information

The Galactic Empire is a professional and friendly clan that focuses on teamwork, strategy, and dedication. We are a community that treats every member the same, no matter what rank or title you may have. We encourage members to give respect and professionalism to all. We are mainly US-based, but we welcome anyone that would apply and become a part of the Galactic Empire. We aim to be competitive in the future with the clans of the Taleworlds Community and become a productive clan of the Taleworlds Community.


Recruiting Information

As I stated before, we welcome anyone from any part of the world, but we are mainly US-based. We recruit based on attitude and personality. We feel that a member should have determination to succeed and flourish. We understand if your not so good at Mount and Blade Warband. But that's what training is for. We train members on our server daily, so skill is not a nesscessity to join us. We welcome anyone of any background. So if your looking to better your skills and meet new people, you won't regret joining the Galactic Empire. We are a great community of gamers that play all sorts of games. And the great game of Mount and Blade Warband is one of them!



Our community mainly communicates with it's members through Xfire, Ventrilo, via PMS on Taleworlds Forum, and it's own forum. We feel that communication is necessary for a community and it's principles. So communicating is something we expect from our members. So simply communicating with us will get you far in this community.


Ventrilo Information

IP- voice06.dallas.hypernia.com

Port- 6334


We have our very own Warband Server named GE_US_Server. Come there if you want some friendly people to hang out with. We also use it for clan matches, trainings, etc. We also have our very own forum located here: http://www.imperialmovement.com/forums/index.php


As for rank information and stuff like that, come here: http://www.imperialmovement.com/information.php



In Galactic Empire [GE], We have a devision for each game we play. There is Modern Warfare 4 devision, Jedi Academy devision, And the one that I will be disscussing, M&B Warband devision.

After you have registered on the site, you may create an application in the Warband section. To do so, you just scroll down through the forum s until you come to the Mount and Blade Warband section and create a new topic there. Your app should have why you want to join our devision,how long you have been playing M&B Warband,your time zone,your in-game name(multiplayer), your favorite class (multiplayer),and if you are in taleworlds you should tell us your username there. Also be sure to read our Imperial Platform and Membership Policy found here http://www.imperialmovement.com/platform.php . You must follow and fill in all parts of your application or it will not be accepted. If done correctly, the Warband devision leader, Facemelter, or the Site leader,Darchind, will accept you.


My GE name is "Dark Shadow." If you have any questions about us or how to register or any of that stuff, just PM me here. I am usually here everyday, so expect me to reply within 48 hours. If I don't, It is because I have somthing more important at that moment.


Again, feel free to post your opinions here. I will respond to those who wish to join here, private messaging, or xfire. My xfire name is richardthewarlock.


If you have any questions, feel free to ask.


P.S. For those of you who don't know, a clan is a group of players who work together and help train each other. Joining a clan is a great way to meet new friends.

And sorry, but our emblem thing is a bit off and so is our community name above it.

Edited by killerunicorn5
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Hello everyone! I willl also be displaying news that occurs in GE that you guys should know.


When GE started,(I wasnt recruited then) there was a system for different games. It was the GIA/GIN devisions. GIA=Galactic Imperial Army, while GIN= Galactic Imperial Navy. GIA is what I am recruiting for. I am a member of GIA. depending on what games you or your devision play, you will be placed in either GIA or GIN. however, at one point the GE community went wrong. we thought it was our GIA/GIN system, but it wasnt. We have now brought back the GIA/GIN system. The game, M&B Warband, is a GIA game. upon joining GE, if you play warband, you are to change your in-game name to ,for example, GIA_R_MrFancyPants. the name i used for the example is made up and not being used at the moment. As you can see the made up member is a part of GIA (Galactic Imperial Army),a recruit ®, and his name is MrFancyPants.


That is all for now about the GE community.

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I would probably be interested in joining. I will, however, need to install Warband again.


This is really one of those games that just screams "clan-based."

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Thats great Indoril ! :laugh:


Oh, and some things I forgot to say on the first post.


1) We are a Community, not a Clan. Our warband devision is only a branch of the other games we do.

2)Do NOT feel pressured by us. you do not have to join if you don't want to.

3)Yes, our community is Star Wars based. It wasn't my desision. I never even new of GE at that time.




4) If you want to join us and you are sure you want to join us, you MUST pm me (killerunicorn5). The reason is because I need to make sure you understand our instructions of registration and that you don't end up in the wrong place. So pm me if you want to join and I will walk you through it.

5)Ok, this isn't really a must. As a matter of fact, as long as you can speak to me through here, then the following is optional:join Taleworlds,the main and home site for M&B Warband.

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Also be sure that if you want to join us, you get xfire. Xfire is our most used source (excluding pms) for talking with members. Though xfire is not required to join us, It is recomended that if you can get it, you do get it. here is a link for for an xfire: http://search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0oG7le5GABOUnMAfMlXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTE1dmR1NGIyBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMwRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA0FDQlkwM18xNDA-/SIG=11i90r7q9/EXP=1308650777/**http%3a//www.xfire.com/download/ .


Now, if you have or are getting xfire and you want to join us, add me as a friend. My xfire name is "richardthewarlock." for those of you new to xfire, to add me as a friend after downloading, you must open xfire,click on the orange cross in the bottom left corner, and then put in my name and press enter.


And remember, if you have any questions, do not be affraid to ask :thumbsup: .That is all for now.


We are now hosting a tournament for the game, M&B Warband. If you want more information, pm me.

Edited by killerunicorn5
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