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i can play it, but how well?


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ok hi, i bought a pc from a guy who well builds pc's for a living a few months ago, actually almost a year now,so i could finally play skyrim and fallout with mods @_@

it plays skyrim perfectly, fan makes barely any sound, but fallout 4's a different story, sounds like its going to somehow lift off and fly away lol, so i'm thinking of saving up some money and upgrading the stuff inside, but heres the thing... I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT UPGRADING!!!!! so i thought, "hey since nexus has a forum, maybe that would be a good place to ask about upgrading"

heres what i know...

geforce gtx 760
AMD Athlon X4 860K Quad Core Processor

and thats all that this site says i needs to upgrade


ps: i know nothing, so please speak in dumb

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