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Survival Mode Basic tips from the BETA


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Most of this is basic gameplay but if you play on lower difficulties the change will be a little extreme. so take these tips to heart if you plan to go hard core.


1. WATER! Build Water Purifyers like crazy! Purified water is better then stimpacks for restoring your health in survival mode(using meds and chems makes you thirsty and fatigued). and use the pump well to quench your thirst if you need to save the purified water.


2. STORAGE WARS! Find as many settelment as possible and set up simple crack shacks. you only have so much time in a day and so much loot you can carry the less you have to walk to store it the better. Also, most interior location that are not player homes reset after a while. so that place you found 50 aluminum trays in will restock eventually.


3. FARMING SIMULATOR! Extra farmed food and water goes into your settlement comunity storage (workbench "cloud" storage) this can make survival a lot easier. with some work you can make your settlements produce a limitless supply of mut fruit, corn, tatos, and purified water which can all be combined for as much adhesive as you need.


4. YOU HAVE AIDS! Stockpile your aid items. Obvious but needs to be stressed. Make sure every crack shack you make is stocked with a few days worth of food and water and maybe a good weapon with some ammo.


5. STEALTH IS LIFE! Just because you didn't take any of the steath perks doesn't mean you can't crouch and take a gander at your target(s) before you attack. at the very least you will know how many enemies your facing. or running from as the case may be.


6. PIPE WEAPONS ARE CHEAP! ammo for pipe weapons is so common that at least one upgraded pipe weapon should be on you at all times. i prefer a semi auto pipe rifle with a reflex scope for medium range.


7. PICK YOUR LOADOUT! Space is at a premium. Pick a primary, secondary, and melee. try to stick with that unless a specific task calls for more. after all you need room for scavenging right?


8. ST0P! LOOK! LISTEN! Fallout 4's music may be pretty good but turn it off and scavenge thru the wastes for awhile without it. IMMERSION!!! no really you can hear people and things from further away with the music off. and taking a moment to stop and look around is always a good idea (unless being chased by a deathclaw). It may save your (characters) life.


9. COMPANIONS MAKE GOOD COVER! And loot holders. plus when they get shot it means you dont get shot as much so Win-Win.


10. EARLY GAME PROVISIONERS! Supply lines are good and all but early game you can just load up a settler and use the workbenches move command to move large loads of junk between settlements.


11. NO NAPS! it seems like takeing a one hour nap just to save may be a good idea but trying to sleep for short periods of time will actually ADD to your fatigue far as i can tell. take the game one day at a time. literally.


12. DON'T TOUCH ME! Several creatures in the commonwealth have had "killmoves" for a while. Well guess what? When a feral jumps you and chews your esophagus off you die. you don't just bleed a little and everything is fine. stimpacks will NOT regrow your esophagus once a feral has had it for dinner. tho if you plant a bladed tire iron in their head the should stop bothering you. maybe.


well i am 13 hours into my first survival mode character and that is all i got so far. if anybody want to add to this please do but try to keep the tips as general as possible. we dont want to give too much away do we :smile:

Edited by Dracula420
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i think that was how i started. i may be a point or 2 off but thats the gist of it. its an early game stealth build. great for sneaking around feral if your patient. which reminds me. i have a 12th rule to add.

Edited by Dracula420
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wow i just installed a script that allows saving anytime for survival and it immediately took away that "death awaits around every corner" feel. if you like survival dont install that save script. or if you do limit your self to only saving in settlements or faction bases or something. :smile:

Edited by Dracula420
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it really does. at first i didn't like it but trying it both ways i can see why beth decided on this. they said they wanted people to slow down and explore every nook and cranny. and as soon as i installed the save scripts i lost all fear and caution and headed straight to diamond city with my level 7 character. and i was right back in the "bored with this game" phase. i do think saving could be better then just sleeping. i personally think only being able to save in settlements and faction bases makes the most sense. and then only if they have enough food, water, and beds to accommodate everyone, including the player. sanctuary hills and the red rocket station should be exempt and able to save in no matter what though.



I do have to add that having saving enabled for survival is not necessarily a bad thing. it resembles hardcore mode from FONV. it really is a personal choice. if you want the survival elements but dont want to got full dark souls in fallout mode then that script will be a great thing for some. to each there own. :smile:

Edited by Dracula420
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I created a mod called "Better Resource Descriptions" a few weeks ago. It adds more detail to each vanilla resource-generating object, and explains what they generate (which is absent from vanilla). It's a tiny mod that should not be incompatible with anything really. Not trying to shamelessly plug but it could be helpful on a non-beta survival play through once mods are re-enabled, due to the obvious increase in the importance of resources.

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Dracula, that is exactly what I have been trying to explain to people. The save restriction makes survival what it is.



I don't see why people can't understand this. If anyone really wants to test this, just turn god mode on via console and see how challenging the game is. Unless you're really easy to please and maybe a little simple minded, it gets really boring.


There are some things I do just to make gameplay for myself a bit more streamlined, line giving myself unlimited carry capacity just so I don't have to go back and forth to sell loot, and I've found that even that gets a little old and makes things a bit too easy at some point. If you just play the game legit and level up to high levels, you almost can't avoid getting to a point where nothing can stop you, especially with a stealth/sniper build.


What really makes me laugh is how having a save function at all has made people so spoiled and soft when it comes to gaming. Have none of these people ever played any classic console game? Go fire up some Megaman 1 and try to quick save. I guess having grown up with those old school games I just don't see the need to save constantly. The only viable argument I can agree with is the instability of some games and how they crash without warning...but otherwise if you can't play a game without constantly dying, maybe you just suck lol.

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I created a mod called "Better Resource Descriptions" a few weeks ago. It adds more detail to each vanilla resource-generating object, and explains what they generate (which is absent from vanilla). It's a tiny mod that should not be incompatible with anything really. Not trying to shamelessly plug but it could be helpful on a non-beta survival play through once mods are re-enabled, due to the obvious increase in the importance of resources.


Or hopefully this is something that can be communicated during the beta and they add it in once the update comes?

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