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Werewolves: The Curse of Hircine

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You'll have to wait for a certain moon setting or whatever (2 weeks is a bit long though). From then onwards you'll be turning into a werewolf every night. If you don't mind a bit of testing you can try set gamehour to 22 (in the console) and then try all the days using set gameday to x, where x is obviously the day of the month. You should eventually be able to trigger it that way. The alternative is just more waiting. Edited by Maskar
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Another possible explanation. Are you using Curse of Hircine or Curse of Hircine Resurrected? I could never transform with CoH, no matter what, so I switched to the new, currently supported CoHR. Way to go! However if you are a vampire you may need to enable vampire infection thru the console.


Console command for Curse of Hircine Resurrected:


set cidwwsettings.allowvampireinfection to 1

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