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​Ok here is the deal, I am crap at mods can't do them and I lose my patience quickly when I try. So I am asking one of you guys or girls out to do a pale Skin Tone that matches Emily Blunts in this poster for Huntsman Winters War poster. Cause I think the pale skin is not pale enough


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Wouldn't work as a skin tone, it has to be an actual texture replacer. Skin tones are overlays on top of the base texture (using RGB color data stored in Fallout4.esm), and even with the overlay set to as bright a white as you can get, it won't look anywhere close to that white (the vanilla "Pale" skin tone is barely below the maximum white you can achieve).


I'm s#*! at textures so I can't help you unfortunately. I actually had someone request that skin tone (not using a reference though) on my mod*, which is how I know.



*which adds new, very non-lore friendly skin tones and hair colors, and now some non-replacer warpaints/tattoos

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