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Um... Am I missing something here?

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Okay, so I've watched a bunch of videos for this and read some tutorials. Every one of which has said that installing Dragon Age mods is simple and all I need to do is extract a .ZIP with the DAOUpdater.exe. So I made a shortcut to it on my desktop, opened it up, and tried to install one of the mods I downloaded (this one, to be precise.)


Oh, the DAOUpdater can't actually open .ZIP files? Oh... okay, maybe I need to extract the one I downloaded...?


Uh... No? I.... still can't see any ".DAZIP" files...


Maybe I just drag the main .ZIP over the shortcut? No? Still nothing...? Oh....kay?


UPDATE: Remaming the .ZIP to .DAZIP resulted in the following error "Error: Couldn't get list details from manifest.xml" So yeah, not helpful.


So, am I being my usual idiotic self and missing a whole heap of steps here or is something going on? Because I feel like there's something I'm not being told. The DAOUpdater needs .DAZIP files, and yet, none of the mods I've downloaded seem to have the decency to include any.


What's going on, please?

Edited by Feltorn Von Dentai
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Phew....thought I was the only idiot lol. Having the same issues myself and assumed there was a DAzip app but cannot find one so assume that it may be I am missing some much needed piece of software. To be honest I am reading as many FAQs and threads as poss but as I am not a modder I have no idea what the guys are talking about half the time. I would ask my duaghter's Uni boyfriend but then I am no way going to be seen to be less intelligent than a Uni student :-). - Okay he is doing game development


I've been away from 'puter gaming for almost 3 years (blame the xbox and ps3 (yuk) for that one) so modding has moved on by miles since the original half life days. Ha!


I've just been randomly trying everything and trying not to totally screw up my new, shiny, fast flowing PC

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Hi guys. You aren't entirely wrong, USUALLY your download comes with a dazip that you could put in DAUpdater. That's not always the case though, so make sure that you read the readme for each mod and look for installation instructions.


In the particular mod you which to download they explain that you should use DAModder, not DAUpdater (DAModder: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=286).

And if you don't want to download that for some reason (I use damodder myself), you can still install it by following the second piece of the author's instructions:

"1. Extract the archive in your "My Documents\Bioware\Dragon Age\Packages\Core\Override" directory


2. Create a new character or use the toolset to edit your character/NPCs."

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Phew....thought I was the only idiot lol. Having the same issues myself and assumed there was a DAzip app but cannot find one so assume that it may be I am missing some much needed piece of software. To be honest I am reading as many FAQs and threads as poss but as I am not a modder I have no idea what the guys are talking about half the time. I would ask my duaghter's Uni boyfriend but then I am no way going to be seen to be less intelligent than a Uni student :-). - Okay he is doing game development


I've been away from 'puter gaming for almost 3 years (blame the xbox and ps3 (yuk) for that one) so modding has moved on by miles since the original half life days. Ha!


I've just been randomly trying everything and trying not to totally screw up my new, shiny, fast flowing PC


Well I'm stufying game design at uni myself, and I can't figure it out, as is evident. I've messed about with file types, tried to edit some coding on the .zips and even extracted the original .zip and then re-archived it with the .dazip filetype. It lets me open the extracted files in the updater when I rename it/re-archive it but then it just gets halfway and hits that error I mentioned, something about the Manifest file, which was included in the original .zip and which I would include when re-archiving.


So honestly? I haven't the faintest clue what the hell's going on, it's like theres some big section missing from all the tutorials and FAQ's, as though everyone just assumes people know what the .dazip files are and how to get/create them.


Hi guys. You aren't entirely wrong, USUALLY your download comes with a dazip that you could put in DAUpdater. That's not always the case though, so make sure that you read the readme for each mod and look for installation instructions.


In the particular mod you which to download they explain that you should use DAModder, not DAUpdater (DAModder: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=286).

And if you don't want to download that for some reason (I use damodder myself), you can still install it by following the second piece of the author's instructions:

"1. Extract the archive in your "My Documents\Bioware\Dragon Age\Packages\Core\Override" directory


2. Create a new character or use the toolset to edit your character/NPCs."


Ahh, big thanks for that one, hadn't heard of DAModder 'till now. Allow me to thank every single tutorial out there for completely failing to mention it.

Edited by Feltorn Von Dentai
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Phew....thought I was the only idiot lol. Having the same issues myself and assumed there was a DAzip app but cannot find one so assume that it may be I am missing some much needed piece of software. To be honest I am reading as many FAQs and threads as poss but as I am not a modder I have no idea what the guys are talking about half the time. I would ask my duaghter's Uni boyfriend but then I am no way going to be seen to be less intelligent than a Uni student :-). - Okay he is doing game development


I've been away from 'puter gaming for almost 3 years (blame the xbox and ps3 (yuk) for that one) so modding has moved on by miles since the original half life days. Ha!


I've just been randomly trying everything and trying not to totally screw up my new, shiny, fast flowing PC


Well I'm stufying game design at uni myself, and I can't figure it out, as is evident. I've messed about with file types, tried to edit some coding on the .zips and even extracted the original .zip and then re-archived it with the .dazip filetype. It lets me open the extracted files in the updater when I rename it/re-archive it but then it just gets halfway and hits that error I mentioned, something about the Manifest file, which was included in the original .zip and which I would include when re-archiving.


So honestly? I haven't the faintest clue what the hell's going on, it's like theres some big section missing from all the tutorials and FAQ's, as though everyone just assumes people know what the .dazip files are and how to get/create them.


Hi guys. You aren't entirely wrong, USUALLY your download comes with a dazip that you could put in DAUpdater. That's not always the case though, so make sure that you read the readme for each mod and look for installation instructions.


In the particular mod you which to download they explain that you should use DAModder, not DAUpdater (DAModder: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=286).

And if you don't want to download that for some reason (I use damodder myself), you can still install it by following the second piece of the author's instructions:

"1. Extract the archive in your "My Documents\Bioware\Dragon Age\Packages\Core\Override" directory


2. Create a new character or use the toolset to edit your character/NPCs."


Ahh, big thanks for that one, hadn't heard of DAModder 'till now. Allow me to thank every single tutorial out there for completely failing to mention it.


Thanks amycus


I had seen DAModder mentioned but thought it was a development tool - Doh!

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aha, I have never actually read any of the tutorials to install mods, I just read the readmes since all information one might need is supposed to be there. So always read the readme when installing ANY mod for ANY game.


Oh, and to avoid any misunderstandings, you should be able to (and probably should) put the whole zip in DAmodder. You shouldn't need to extract the content from the .zip file before putting it all in DAmodder.

Edited by amycus
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