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Simple BOSS help needed


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Hello! I've been using Wrye Bash and BOSS for some time. As far as I understand BOSS updates its masterlist by itself every once in a while, is this right? I suspect I did something wrong (I'm not surprised I'm really clumsy with this stuff) because BOSS does not recognize some mods, these being released in the past (8 months or so?) I apologize if I'm talking nonsense here (please tell me so :) ) but if I'm right I'd like to know how do I update the masterlist so everything works nicely :D.


Thanks in advance!

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Basically, boss just puts things in order. Run this and then once its complete check at the bottom of the window it just opened. If anything looks out of the ordinary or requires an addition file then get it.


After BOSS is finished with just make sure that everything in Wrye Bash is ok (ie NOT RED) and then run the game. But always make sure you have built the Bash patch correctly.

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Thanks for answering, but I know that part already... what I mean is that BOSS is not ordering some of my mods because (I believe) they are new. These mods appear at the end of the list and I am supposed to re order those manually. Fortunately the only red bits I have are not because of load order :).
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If you run BOSS from Wrye Bash, there's an option to always update the masterlist before sorting. Otherwise, you need to run the update manually. Latest version of the masterlist is 2799, check if you have it.


In BOSS v1.7 just run BOSS GUI.exe, there's an option to update. Prior to v1.7, run BOSS - Update Masterlist.bat in the Data directory.

Edited by omeletted
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BOSS does not have every mod. many older mods that were not extremely popular are not in the database either. If it doesn't know what to do with it it will put it after the mods it can sort, in the order you had it. You can use OBMM to move those to where you think they should go.
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Thanks for all this light-shedding info. I'm 90% convinced that I accidentally turned off the auto update feature in WryeBash and now I can't find out how to turn it on again. I checked and my BOSS version is 1.51. I looked in the Data folder and found: BOSS.bat, BOSS.exe, BOSSlog.txt and masterlist.txt.

I opened the masterlist.txt and read: Masterlist Information: $Revision: 788 $, $Date: 2010-04-02 12:04:08 -0700 (Fri, 02 Apr 2010) $, $LastChangedBy: pacificmorrowind $ (is that the masterlist version? I couldn't find anything else).


I can't see anything named Update Masterlist.bat in the Data folder. Neither can I see any options regarding BOSS in WryeBash.


Any ideas?

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Was going to suggest updating to at least v1.65 but it seems they don't keep it in the archives. v1.7 doesn't play well with anything less than Wrye Bash 292. It's odd that the update .bat isn't in your folder, maybe check the original 7zip file and see whether you have it. To enable auto update in Wrye Bash, right-click the column headers when you're in the Mods tab, select the option "Always Update BOSS Masterlist prior to running BOSS". If you want to manually download the masterlist yourself, right-click this link and Save as masterlist.txt.
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Was going to suggest updating to at least v1.65 but it seems they don't keep it in the archives. v1.7 doesn't play well with anything less than Wrye Bash 292. It's odd that the update .bat isn't in your folder, maybe check the original 7zip file and see whether you have it. To enable auto update in Wrye Bash, right-click the column headers when you're in the Mods tab, select the option "Always Update BOSS Masterlist prior to running BOSS". If you want to manually download the masterlist yourself, right-click this link and Save as masterlist.txt.


YAY THANKS!!!! Updating the masterlist manually worked. BOSS ran and ordered almost everything it didn't before.

I am keeping the old masterlist as backup just in case.


I also looked in the original 7zip BOSS file and the update.bat does not exist.


Now about the auto update feature... I swear it's not on the menu. This is what I do: place the cursor over the word 'file', in the Mods tab as you said. Right click. The menu appears. Nothing BOSS related is there. I also looked in the installers and saves tabs. I have WryeBash 275. I could also swear the option was there before, since I do remember an option like that long long time ago. A bug maybe?


Edit: And also I'm keeping the link, I completely ignored the existence of that site. It may come in handy later on. Thanks again.

Edited by Candex
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That's odd, though I don't remember how it was like in Wrye Bash 275 but it should be in the same place I think. Anyway, you should consider updating both BOSS and WB, do remember to disable cbash with WB 292 as it still has some kinks. Glad you've kinda sorted it for the moment. :happy:
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