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I need Mods damage numbers ...


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I would be really happy if someone could help me to find a mod for some of these requests:


1. Does someone know a mod where you can see damage-numbers above the persons/animals you hit ?


2. A Mod that increase the numbers of enemys in forest, buildings ... ?


3. And at least a Mod where the bow animation where replaced.(But not the Silver Ranger Mod , because i cant move my bow with it)


i am looking forward to your replys

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1) if you look at an enemy there is a circular bar that decreases as you do damage. this is all you really need

2) look for the insane difficulty mod, i dont know where it is but i hear its what you want

3) just search "archer" and you'll find it pretty fast. a lot of these sort of requests can be solved by little old search bar

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there is a mod called "scouter", that at least shows the hitpoints/health a monster/NPC has at the moment. Of corse that number changes during battle. It's not the same as showing the amount of dmg you make, but close.
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Adrenaline Oblivion changes the levelling system slightly so that with higher levels comes a higher number of enemies... its a great mod... I never play without it... it actually makes the gates of oblivion feel like they are holding an army... not just a small group of demon vandals... there is also a way to edit the .ini file so it displays health bars above NPC's in combat... also very useful... the bar decreases and changes colour from green to red so you get that classic RPG effect... Hope this Helped!!


http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2876 <-- adrenaline oblivion

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