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Settlements at West Everette and Fairline Hill


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West Everette and Fairline Hill seem like prime candidates for settlements. In fact, they were at one point. Being able to restore them to their former glory would be great. If possible, adding them to the "hey go clear this place out, it would make a nice settlement" quests would be awesome. They are better places for settlements than that crappy little boat house or radio tower they send you to. Damn settlers wouldn't know a nice place for a settlement if it dropped on their heads and kicked them in the crotch.

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Would be possible, but too much work, cause there are too many thing you have to make sure don't happen again, like respawning Supermutants, Bloodbugs and such things, at least at West Everett


Also, it is always a little risky to turn places into settlements, that aren't supposed to be one - so if someone is really going to do this, then it probably won't happen before the GECK will be available.


For those other two places you mentioned, there are expansions, that are not only adding space to those places, but are also getting rid of the corners, when it comes to Zimonja.

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