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Can i use a different screen resolution?


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Can i use a non-supported Screen Resolution, like 600 X 400 or something like that? My computer is very laggy, and ususally if i use a smaller resolution it should work fine. Are there any mods or fixes that let me use a smaller resolution?
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go to (your username)/documents/my games/fallout3(orNV)/falloutprefs


find "isize w=" set that to desired value


find "isize h=" set that to desired value




Now i can use 1600 x 1200 .. I wasnt to before!

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You may or may not have to set bFullScreen= to 0.


It is also possible it's just not possible to use the resolution you want.



isize w=1024


isize h=800




This "should" be the lowest supported resolution. (Not 100% guaranteed)

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The smallest Windows video screen resolution capable for 99.9999% of all PC video cards produced over the last 12-15ish years is 800x600. It should also be the smallest you can force any game screen to. Anything smaller would have to be done in a non-Windows OS.
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It sounds very much like your PC does not come any where near min spec for the game. The smallest supported game resolution is 800x600. You need to make sure your desktop is set to 800x600, and also make sure that the game is set to run in fullscreen mode. That is about the limit to what we can do to help you, since your hardware is not technically capable of properly running the game (from your description anyway). Edited by Sunnie
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