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Weapon request


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Would it be possible for someone to make a katana (one handed) that grows in power as you level?

Like how? Care to be more specific as to your wants? You could probably even do this with a little simple scripting, and making of items in the CS.

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I was thinking that the sword would start out as good as any other weapon, and as you gain levels, your sword increases as well (damage, total health, a small increase in speed)

Sort of like the quest leveling mod

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I was thinking that the sword would start out as good as any other weapon, and as you gain levels, your sword increases as well (damage, total health, a small increase in speed)

Sort of like the quest leveling mod

You could probably do this one... First, make a few versions of the same weapon with increasing strength.

Item and basic CS tutorials



Once you have a few made, you'll need to do some very light scripting either using a quest script, or one placed on the weapon to remove the weaker one and add the stronger one when some conditions are met.



Example of what thequest script could look like. Would need to be added to a quest which is startgame enabled, or manually started by some other means.

scn Gh3WeaponUpgradeQuestScript

begin gamemode
if player.getlevel AA
  if player.getitemcount bbbbbbbb 1
  player.removeitem bbbbbbbb 
  player.additem cccccccc
elseif player.getlevel DD
  if player.getitemcount eeeeeeee 1
  player.removeitem eeeeeeee 
  player.additem ffffffff
elseif player.getlevel GG
  if player.getitemcount hhhhhhh 1
  player.removeitem hhhhhhhh 
  player.additem iiiiiiii



example of script to place on each weapon, with a different script per weapon which removed the current item, and replaces it with the next.

scn Gh3WeaponUpgrade01script

begin onequip
if player.getlevel == ZZ
player.removeitem xxxxxxxx 
player.additem yyyyyyyy
player.equipitem yyyyyyyy


Naturally, you would only need to use one of the methods. Just fill in the spots in the script with either the player level, or the form ID of what you want to add/remove.

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