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How Do I Keep ADA From Walking All Over Me?


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I rebuilt ADA into a badass sh*t kicking machine and now she walks all over me. Literally.
Whenever we're walking to someplace she is constantly ramming into my back, her weapons clipping through and sticking out in front of me and eventually she manages to crowd past me and get in front at which time she simply stops dead in front of me. If I continue walking, I wind up pushing her down the road in front of me. I have to maneuver around her and get in front again and the whole little dance starts all over. I can't concentrate on the game for having to keep this thing from leaving little caterpillar tracks all over me.

She's pushed me off catwalks, jammed herself between me and activators, rolled in front of my gun when I'm sniping, plugged up doorways, rolled out in the open when I'm trying to sneak... you name it, if there's a way to screw up game play, she'll find it AND do it.

On my way to remove her robobrain treads now and replace them with legs hoping that will slow her down some and thereby keep her behind me but if that doesn't work I appear to have just spent ten bucks for a DLC that either makes my game unplayable or is itself unplayable for me. Anyone else seeing this?

Edited by Nofsdad
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Hmm, well, the treads DO make the rest of the robot a lot bigger, so removing those might help. Treads also seem to be less maneuverable, so to speak. And while they do have good top speed, they seem to have a more limited acceleration and deceleration, which could amplify the bumping-into-you problem.


I'm playing more of an, as I call it, turbosquid configuration. As in Mr Handy body (actually has better range and accuracy than any head except the robobrain, even if the text doesn't mention it), thruster, two arms with gatling lasers (don't use the unstable ones, though), 3 Mr Handy arms with buzzsaws, and I can't say I've seen clipping with that kind of bot. I mean, she does bump into me, and occasionally is in front of me, but it's not more of a problem than with Codsworth or with Curie's Miss-Nanny body otherwise.


Or if you really don't want her to plug doors, you can try her original Assaultron body and Assaultron arms, since that's narrower, especially if you found a robobrain head for range and accuracy. Especially if given a thruster instead of legs, she doesn't take all that much horizontal space. Definitely a LOT less than on treads. Shame about lacking the extra 3 arms in that configuration, though.

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ADA is plotting to kill me!

I noticed how she nudges me into line of fire, off buildings and shields attackers with her body from me shooting back!


But I am smarter, I always make random changes of direction so she becomes confused!

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I had the best results with the Mr. Handy thrusters. She occasionally floats in front of me when I am aiming but she's much less intrusive compared to tracks or legs. Thrusters also make her more efficient in getting to places (which impacts her combat efficiency as well) and she's much less noisy. They'll probably address that silly pathfinding of tracks and legs, I hope. Until then it's thrusters all the way for me.

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BTW, if you want a truly non-obtrusive robot, you could try the eyebot mod. Granted, the eyebot body has much more limited armament. It's nowhere NEAR the level of sheer firepower that a Mr Handy turbosquid with gatling guns, buzzsaws and voltaic armour has. But it sure doesn't get much in the way. In fact, if you crouch, you can even shoot under it, even if it gets in front of you.


Personally, I think I'll stick to the massive firepower versions, but if anyone is seriously annoyed by the bulk of other robots and/or just needs help carrying stuff rather than massive firepower, it might be worth looking into making an ED-E instead. Just an idea.

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