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Smith and Wesson Model .500


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There's a mod in the hot files right not that uses assets from Camons pack,so maybe Scottsmack (the guy who uploaded Camons pack) still gives permission.


I don't think he can give permission, but he is still in contact with Camon. He (Scottsmack) said in the description not to contact him, but to contact Camon.....I don't see how that's possible since he's been banned. And I don't see any contact info. I think you may have to PM him (Scottsmack) and just hope he can pass along a message to Camon.

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He started a fight with Milennia's Team. Here is where he started: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/937053-an-94-abakan/page-16

Yeah I skimmed through that, but didn't see anyplace he gave explicit or implied permission.....but as I mentioned I just skimmed (it's 29 pages). Did you have a link for the permission.


I might contact him later.I read the thread that caused Camon to get banned,and he said that he doesn't care if someone uses his older work.I am still going to ask for permission though.

Ugh that's a mess. Out of caution I wouldn't suggest using those assets without both Camon's explicit permission *and* a moderator, since they (moderators) have stated that he used/uploaded assets that he did not have permission for. I have no idea what the actual situation was, and In that chaotic thread it is hard to locate what would be problematic and what isn't. In addition the few inquiries I have mad to the moderators about assets have gone unanswered, so that can also be a dead end, unfortunately.


Here is Camon's email; [email protected]

Best of luck, but I think for me I'm not so deeply invested in the model to risk any repercussions to my account. It might be better to find another base model that is less problematic to work on.

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It's the first post on page 16,second last sentence.


And yeah,I am going to look for another model first.


EDIT: After looking about fifty pages on the Nexus,I decided to look for a FO3 version that could be ported,and I actually found something reasonably close (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/17987/? , second screenshot).The mod author gave permission to use as one pleases as long as he is credited,but sadly the author removed the gun from the mod because of some "dubious" origins.If it had been ported and the scope would have been removed and the barrel would have been longer it could have been perfect.

Edited by Fenryr3001
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