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[Mod Suggestions] A few practical ideas


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Playing The Witcher 3 I noted a few things that could be slightly improved via a mod. Maybe a gifted programmer can agree with one of the ideas and create a mod for it.



1. It would help to have a key that does a "full" manual save, I'd probably use the F12-key.


2. Is there a way to turn off the sub-titles during the animated (artsy) cut scenes. Turning off the subs works in all other cases. Strange.


3. Is there some way to change the sensitivity of the F1 flymode camera that came with the unlocking of the console?


4. When buying items in a shop, there seems to be no easy way to check how many items of the item you are about to buy, you already have. E.g. quick check number of owned items while in shop. It would be nice to see these counters right next to the sale counters on the shop side. One can of course look through the own list of items, and compare, but that is needlessly annoying and time consuming.


5. In the crafting menu, the item counts for the number of ingredients for a recipe are show, obviously, since these numbers are relevant. But you cannot easily check how many of the item about to be created do you already have... strangely for mutagens that info is shown, but not for the other items like armour or weapons.


6. On all plants out there in the game-world, it might be nice to actually show the name of the plant, not just that you can "harvest" it.


7. When looting items from a "container" (actually that is pretty much everything) show certain additional information.


  • If the item is a weapon, or armour show the red/green comparison values you see in the inventory. To quickly be able to check if the item you are about to pick up is better or not. And not have to search the inventory for the new item, even if it is marked with an orange star.
  • Enhance the "items I need" function, to not restrict it to one item, but as many as we want for recipes (anything you can craft).

8. Enhance the map interface to allow you to add custom named markers, to point out locked doors, or areas that need exploration later etc.


9. Add the feature to ghost the map initially (lightly), then "carve out" all the paths Geralt took. I.e. circle of 10m around witcher clears the ghosting where he went. This lets us clearly see where we ran about and where not.


10. Enlarge the item interface of the inventory. There should be space for quite a few more grid blocks. Presently there are only 48 grid blocks, 64 should be possible. This would help get a better overview of the inventory, less scrolling.


Well... I am still very new to the game, so maybe solutions exist already, that I am not aware of. Any feedback appreciated. Thanks.

Edited by AEon2001
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After playing some more, here a few things I'd also like to have changed, if possible:


11. While using Witcher Sense (right-mouse-button by default), let the player jump (space-key by default). I keep getting stuck on low fences in villages when using the sense, and exploring.


12. While using Witcher Sense, let the player sprint (left-shift-key by default). I'd really like to move more quickly while using the Witcher Sense.



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1. I guess it's possible but will require some scripting (and a scripter who wants to implement that).

2. You can use hide UI button from Friendly HUD mod, works great in all cutscenes (except the pre-rendered ones).

3. I guess no.

8. Not possible with current toolset (maybe in theory it is but it will require a very deep swf editing which is a real pain and very few people can do that).

11. That's easy, here is a quick test version

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Thank you for creating 11. modWitcherSenseJump. Had to merge it with modNoWitcherSense but that seems to have gone well. If I read that correctly, you had to comment out one line? Neat.


Did a quick test run... works... wonderful. Using Witcher Sense and being able to jump is so much less painful now...

Edited by AEon2001
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Thank you for creating 11. modWitcherSenseJump. Had to merge it with modNoWitcherSense but that seems to have gone well. If I read that correctly, you had to comment out one line? Neat.

Two lines :smile: With BlockAction and UnblockAction for EIAB_Jump. So when the new patch come you can update this mod easily.

Didn't find sprint blocking code though, maybe it is some native engine function which is hardly possible to modify.

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Thanks for looking into Witcher Sense + sprint as well, effort appreciated.


From the way it works, I already suspected that this might be more complicated:


I.e. when you walk in the world you can then run using the default LCtrl-key, to then sprint (I use toggle) via the default LShift-key... when you then use Witcher Sense (default RMB), the sprinting speed drops to running, let go of the RMB, and you return to sprinting.


There was a mod out there that let you also toggle the Witcher Sense, but merging that code into my other mods (Friendly HUD in particular) did not properly work for me so I dropped that alas.

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Some more thoughts:


13. Playing "The Witcher 3" for a while you amass quite a few trophies. Alas only one can be used at any time, but it might be nifty if the game recognized the enemy you are fighting to automatically equip the trophy that yields the most XP. I have collected three so far: one for "humans and non-humans" (x2) and one for "beasts" (x1). Either yield +5% in XP. This is a bit far out... but manually having to swap the trophies around, usually forgetting to do so, felt a bit clunky.


14. Witcher Sense does not only prohibit sprinting, but faster boat travel and faster swimming when used. Personally I'd want to be able to travel as fast as when not using Witcher Sense for those two cases as well.

Edited by AEon2001
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And some more suggestions:


15. In the inventory, "Sword" (weapons etc.) tab, show the level these will unlock on the icon area. This would help see when the X'ed out weapons or armour will be available. Also letting you more quickly spot what should be updated.


16. In the inventory, "Sword" (weapons etc.) tab, show relative damage gain/loss on the icon area. This would let you see at a glance what e.g. weapons or armour to wear instead. Even on a fast system (i7 6700K 4GHz the pop-up tooltip windows are too slow), so showing such info e.g. in one of the corners of the icon would really help.


17. In the inventory, "Sword" (weapons etc.) tab, filter all items above your player level, via F-key pop-up menu. This would remove any spam from items you presently cannot use anyway.


18. In the inventory, "Sword" (weapons etc.) tab, add an earmark feature in the item's icon area. Often I will note that an item is about to be unlocked, level-wise, but then forget about it once having reached that level. It would really help to mark items you want to use a lot e.g. trophies (one for +5% monster XP, another for +5% humans XP) to quickly switch between them and not having to search through the others. It could also help to auto-earmark items you had equipped just a moment ago, to re-equip them again quickly, e.g. when checking how new armour looks, then preferring your old armour instead. Basically a mark favourite items feature.


Again, mentioning these ideas, because I would use them right away. Alas I have no idea if they can be implemented at all, but if they can, maybe someone with the programming skills will.

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