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Esp to Egm


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Hi there :)

I made a city in a seperate worldspace. It isnt connected to the cyrodiil worldspace yet, but it uses vanilla and si items.

Can I safely convert the esp to egm? And will this be possible when I add NPCs and questlines using vanilla material? I know the connection to cyrodiil has to be done in an esp because of the 2 egms worldspace thing hate :)

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I believe you actually are talking about .esm files, not .egm files. An .esm is a master. An .egm file contains data on how to make a helmet mesh fit on heads of different shapes correctly.


In most cases there really isn't any reason to convert your .esp into an .esm. You might consider leaving it as an .esp. These are the only reasons I can really think of that would make you want to have an .esm rather than an .esp:


(1) You want to make it easy to have mods that you make and that other people make use your file as a master.

(2) Your file only contains resources that have been fully debugged and you will likely never update that portion of your file ever again. Your updates will be in your .esp files.

(3) Your file has become so huge that your .esp has become unworkable. There is said to be some maximum size that an .esp can be, and .esm files don't seem to have a size limit. But this limit on .esp size is probably absolutely huge. Perhaps larger than 800 MB.

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