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Disable Combat Regen


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so i have a mod like it give me 20hp per second even in combat i wanna disable combat regen when your health down and you finish your fight you wait a few seconds then it starts ticking again until you join in combat again like call of duty style hp regen mod but without regen

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so i have a mod like it give me 20hp per second even in combat i wanna disable combat regen when your health down and you finish your fight you wait a few seconds then it starts ticking again until you join in combat again like call of duty style hp regen mod but without regen

I think it would be a priority to clearly communicate your request so you have the best chance of getting exactly what you want. Are you saying you want something similar to the way companions are healed, in that a few seconds after combat ends they are restored to full health?

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no i meant me not companions

Yep I was talking about you, as in the player it's why I said " something similar to the way companions are healed". Companions are healed back to full (assuming your not in hardcore mode IIRC) at the end of hostilities.


i have a rad healing perk so and my damage threshold is at max when someone trying to kill me i lost 10 or 15 health then i get full health again like never happened


I don't know if we have a language barrier problem, or some other difficulty, so I'm going to reiterate my previous statement. I think it would be a priority to clearly communicate your request so you have the best chance of getting exactly what you want. The most difficult part of modding shouldn't be trying to decode teh request.

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no i mean like hardcore mod without hardcore when you take stimpacks you only gain hp over time but with this one perk only not reproduce just disable health regen completely so perk can take it rest of them


Sorry brother, but without any clear or concise explanation of your request, this essentially just becomes an exercise in futility. Maybe someone else can better grasp what your trying to communicate, and help you out.

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The console command "player.setav healrate 0" will disable the automatic health regen. but it also make healing perks useless too

Once again I'd suggest you link to the perk in question, since you seem (as best I can gather) to be saying you want to disable healrate/automatic health regen, but not impair the perk your referring to.

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