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Trying to endorse mods - problem


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The problem is that I have extremely stringent download bw limits, so for some mods, I have my daughter download them (very fast connection, unlimited bw) and send them to me on a stick. But then if I try to endorse the mods (because I LOVE them....) I'm not allowed to do so because nexus doesn't think I've downloaded them.


Is there any workaround for this? I just don't have the bw to download huge files....

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Use your daughter's account to endorse them


My daughter doesn't have an account. She doesn't play games, she quilts. She's just kind enough to download large mods for me and ship them to me.

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Hmm. Since she didn't mention having to make an account, and several of the files were FAR larger than 2mb, not sure what's up with that. As far as allowing her to login on my account - wouldn't the nexus folks have issues with that? In any case, this batch is done. No reason to have her download them a second time. I'll check with her to see if she had to create an account and just didn't say anything about it - and if so, I'll get her to go endorse the files. If not *shrug*.


Next time, I'll see what else can be done. For now, I'll just post on the mod pages explaining why I can't endorse wonderful mods.

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True, i thought the rule was no double acounts but there is a "no account sharing" in the TOS too, i forgot about it...


No account sharing
You also agree to never login to another account that does not belong to you. People caught sharing their accounts will have them banned from accessing the site and every attempt will be made by the administrators of the site to make sure you cannot create a new account. You agree to never give your password out to another user of the site outside of the administrators of the site for your protection and for validity reasons.


The way i see it, there is no real reason to your issue, since imo the nexus cannot unless any circumstance allow endorsing without downloading, otherwise the whole system will become pointless. So yeah, the only thing is your daughter doing the endorsing, there is the download history wich allows quick endorsing of recently downloaded mods though.

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Yes, I thought I remembered a statement somewhere about account sharing. That's not something I'd ever feel comfortable or "right" doing. I checked with daughter - she did have to make an account, she said it was no big deal, and she went back last night and endorsed the files. Thanks for the input.

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Or what you can do is start the download and then immediately stop it, as long as the download is initiated it counts as a download.


I do this all the time, as I too have crappy speeds and a limited bandwith. Getting my gf to download at her work(she as her own account) and then just doing the above on my account to be able to endorse.

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