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AI Package question


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I cannot for the life of me get my NPC to sit in his chair. >:(


im using the defaultusefurniture package.


I even made a specific package for him to sit in the specific chair using a "must complete" and "cont' if PC near" and nothing. >.<


His responsibility is 100 too if that matters.

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Is the chair his linked ref?

In any case, make the chair persistent and choose specific ref, and choose the chair.

The area around the chair needs to be navmeshed as well.

ok the navmesh was originally in place, so I just attempted to NavMesh under the chair as well. Still no results.


The travelto and useitemat both did the same things as before...


EDIT: The chair is persistent, so is the character. The chair has a specific reference name. The character is linked to the chair. The chair has navmesh around the area where he would begin the animation to get into the chair, but not when sitting (as that is under the desk). The character (for the useitemat) has it as "must complete" "cont. if PC near". The travel package uses the link ref which was already defined on the player...


He is being stubborn and as much as I'd like to ignore this and move on with the rest of my mod I need to know how to make npc's sit and have basic intelligence.

Edited by Skibblets
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Try doing specific ref instead of linked ref and see what happens. I have never seen it not work this way.


I know of no way that 'use item' and furniture are in any way related.


which was already defined on the player...


I have no idea what you mean by this.

Edited by Quetzlsacatanango
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Alright so I set the chair as the specific reference that my character is to travel to...so I dont believe the travel is the right package... he keeps walking towards the chair, not using it.
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