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Help cleaning up Boston Public Library


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I'm cleaning up Boston Public Library by editing the cell in FO4Edit. I removed a number of references creating precombined meshes (corresponding to furniture and trash), but the objects are still present. Do I also need to remove the entries placing the precombined meshes to get them to disappear? If so, is there an efficient way to do so?

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Under Record Flags, up near the top, check the 'Deleted' flag. (Also useful for getting rid of %$%%#$*#& collision markers, like those in Abernathy Farm. Ugh.) You could also use the "Initially Disabled" flag. I don't actually know which is preferred for a mod you'll release. My gut tells me Disabled, actually.


And it never occurred to me to see if there's a script to disable references. Hm. I know there's one to undelete then disable, but just disable...

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for what i know the game will always override(by default) any change to nif(related) with those damn combined things, for what i know the only way to get around that is using

( bUseCombinedObjects=0 ) in your custom ini under general


give you a sample, static item xxxx, remove the nif entry and or disable it with fo4, without the combined the item still show, now put the ini edit in place and viola item is not there

there are some downsides to this it will remove the item worldwide and you get bad frames in high dense arena's


lets hope the geck will give a better solution

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