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Better wind turbines


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I would love to see an alternate wind turbine made from a vertibird prop. The size and the look would be incredible, and unfortunately I am no modder (only an extremely grateful mod user) but I would suspect the vanilla objects could be used to create it. I love the idea of renewable (and quiet!) power for these post-apocalyptic sanctuaries (pun unavoidable), but am disappointed with the wind turbines. They are fine, and actually pretty cool, early on, but as your skills increase in science and you can build more complex turrets and generators, it would be amazing if you could build a better wind turbine.

Any thoughts?




Ask and ye shall receive?!


Great work ghzfba! I downloaded and installed this one with NMM and it seems to work fine.


I just saw this one also, which looks to be the turbine from Far Harbor. Haven't tried it yet.


Edited by jimmygitto
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Agreed with this, the wind turbines always felt pretty lacklustre and pretty useless as a source of electricity.

More variation and the ability to upgrade it for greater electricity allowance would be good as suggested.

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