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PROOF that 9/11 was FAKE


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I am getting fed up with the poo way I believe Incanus is treated, sorry if I didn't read his posts 100%, but what I have read so far is not directly anti-semitic or fascist in any way. Ok, I promised proof, so here is it:




While I do not directly support their alternative theory with the remote controlled stuff, they do have facts that proves the WTC did NOT collapse from the fires caused by the planes, but was destroyed on purpose.


There are also good pictures of the Pentagon crash, and why it could not have been a plane.

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No - seriously, don't be fooled by this stuff. I'm as anti-Bush and anti-war as you can get, I'm a liberal left-winger... and yet, I don't buy this.


I've seen things like this that sound and look so true but trust me - there's always some way they're duping it. If they had actual proof you wouldn't be reading about it at some unknown website out in nowhere.

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I'm talking about a government playing a direct or indirect role in the murder of it's own citizens to further it's agenda, and then continuing to murder and oppress people worldwide, and you post a stupid spammy picture in response!


At least LOOK at the pentagon pictures and draw your own conclusion. Sorry, we had a plane crash in a flat in Amsterdam years ago, and it sure didn't look as clean at this!

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Are you saying the American goverment had anything to do with the ending of thousands of their peoples lives... I highly doubt that. My goverment may not be the best but it would never kill or have a part in killing its own people.
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Are you saying the American goverment had anything to do with the ending of thousands of their peoples lives... I highly doubt that.  My goverment may not be the best but it would never kill or have a part in killing its own people.

That is exactly what I am saying, yes. And read the site I provided, at least read the Pentagon part and look at the pictures yourself.




here, a more compact version.

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I havnt read that article yet...but i shall in just a moment,... Note i am a canadian :P lol...


I have heard many conspiricys on 9/11 and how it was staged... i myself believe it was. Havn't you ever really wondered why there wasnt the maximum capacity of people in the towers when they went down? and there should have been?... The US government isnt as honkey dorey as some of you may thing... There was also proof that Pearl Harbour was staged as well...but that is for a different thread in another time...


Bin Laden was either payed to say he did it...or he thought it would be cool to do it so he took it upon himself to say he did it so people would be like "god bless ol' binny"... The states wanted a reason to attack Afkganastan(Sp? lol)...so they made their own reason!

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I have facts to prove I could run faster than the speed of light. Yet that doesnt prove that I can.


The facts that you have presented IMHO are boarder line "tin foil hat" stlyes.


My qustion to you is why all this anti <even though that is too much of a harsh word but I cannot think of a better one at the moment> bush and america?


I do not agree with Bush's decisions and they things have been handled BUT constant damnation and streams of FUD isnt going to acomplish anything. Why not post something constructive.


<This goes out to ALL the community and is NOT directed at ANYONE in particular>


Its to late to close the gate when the bull has already escaped.


Instead of constantly posting conspircy theroies or something you read on slashdot or google. Post a solution to the problem. How do we fix this mess. We should learn from our past mistakes not wallow in them.



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