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All purpose armor


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Sorry if i make no sense, i know what i want but i am having difficulty putting it into words so please bare with me.


To start off simply, i enjoy having a cool looking character, i like it a lot. I usually go with the NCR ranger combat armor, but i really want something that... i don't know, something that looks like that the

wearer fits in both the small town in the middle of the wastes and in Freeside/New Vegas proper. What i mean by that is, i don't want something flashy or overly shiny, something more like that it has been to hell and

back. Joshua Graham's armor was close but in my opinion the vest on his clothes was a bit bulky. i suppose the best way to describe it would by like Leon's outfit in Resident Evil 4.


Again, sorry if i made no sense if anyone wants me to clarify just go ahead and ask


Thank you for your time

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Try something skinny like Jill BSAA (For Female) with Armored Vault 101/Mad Max Shoulder pad from Tailor Maid...i forgot what they're actually called, I had to download the Spanish one on Fallout 3


Edit: Or you could just do the Road Warrior's armor mod or whatever. My favorite, different for each sex, yet still makes you have the madmothashutyomouth type of look.

Edited by TheMightyLordSheogorath
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Hmm... just looked at those armor's, while they do look very cool they are not the look i'm going for.



I suppose my "Leon" reference really does make they closest comparison, but its just clothes, maybe we can take this sort of giddup




and just replace the shirt under his jacket with the riot armor for the NCR ranger combat armor?


(Thank you TheMightyLordSheogorath for your suggestion BTW :))



Also, i would appreciate if it was a light armor

Edited by jedibedead
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Hmm... just looked at those armor's, while they do look very cool they are not the look i'm going for.



I suppose my "Leon" reference really does make they closest comparison, but its just clothes, maybe we can take this sort of giddup




and just replace the shirt under his jacket with the riot armor for the NCR ranger combat armor?


(Thank you TheMightyLordSheogorath for your suggestion BTW :))



Also, i would appreciate if it was a light armor


Well, I like you since somebody finally thanks me for a suggestion around here. And because of that...I shall mess around with Blender and stuff too see if I can make a jacket...a unzipped, recolored, "cleaner" (fixed up), different pant version of the Wasteland Wanderer Outfit looks like my start. Riot Armor under a fixed up Wasteland Wanderer, doesn't sound too hard...for the experienced modder I hope reads this to save me from my promise to try.

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