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Identify This

true highlander

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Hey, so I was thinking: how can we have some fun with all that experience garnered making and playing all the many mods out there & also kill some time before Skyrims release?


Eventually... a little light bulb popped up over my head and I actually had an idea. Woohoo! (hopefully this is somewhat original, this is my actual first thread)


I decided on a visual trivia game of sorts that requires an image from a mod content as a reference, all you have to do is accurately identify said mod by content and by name, simple right? Hopefully others will post their own obscure mod discoveries as well, so we can all share some great, unique and undiscovered stuff.


Prizes! well not really. Anyone that successfully identifies something from what I post certainly deserves some kind of prize though. The only currency of sorts around here are kudos, so the first member that correctly guesses any of my submissions will certainly deserve one purely and solely for their exemplary mod knowledge. Did I mention it won't be easy?


Some simple rules should be followed though so all can potentially enjoy this:


1) Please only post your guesses in text (see #4) and don't say something like: "this is 100% this mod, it's super easy".

2) There should/will be a 48h delayed reply given, purely to ensure max. participation/input.

3) Totally specific mod identity criteria is very important, generalizations don't really count.

4) Don't add full/high resolution images to this thread, use links instead in consideration of others.

5) Misleading edits are not suggested for obvious reasons, it's all about identifiable & newly discovered in-game stuff!


Hopefully this will be fun, if not, hey I tried. :tongue:




#1: In-game particles: moderate/difficult...



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With over 240 mods installed you'd think this would be easy :whistling:

I think I'm probably off base, but I'm going to venture a guess and say Midas Magic. The part I haven't played yet, of course, lol! Pretty effect though, I'll be interested to see what mod it is from.


Good idea for a game True! :thumbsup:

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