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New Rogue Armor Causes Crash


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The Rogue Armor recently uploaded to TESNexus is amazing - except for one problem: The game crashes whenever I get hit by an enemy's melee attack. Seriously. I didn't even notice this until a few days after I had installed it (surprisingly, despite playing every day since the installation, I've only just now got into a melee fight). I tried reinstalling it (I had made custom changes to the ESP, mesh, and a texture to fix a few things to my taste) but it still happens. It does not happen with any other armor, including mod armor. Is the mod itself just bugged in some strange way?
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Is your armor animated?

Is your armor applied to any strange body like BBB which is animated with extra animations?

Is your computer fast?

Is your computer overloaded and operating at the very edge of its capacity?

Have you verified that the crash point is not a coincidence? You might load up a save game and go find a different battle with a different enemy in a different location and see if it crashes every time you get hit.

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Is your armor animated?

No, it's just a normal armor, albeit a high poly one (it's not SUPER high poly, though - I have only seen one armor with more polygons, and that one caused severe FPS drops, but it didn't crash when I was hit with that on, either).


Is your armor applied to any strange body like BBB which is animated with extra animations?

Nope, don't use anything like BBB.


Is your computer fast?

Pretty much. What would that affect?


Is your computer overloaded and operating at the very edge of its capacity?

Not at all. It has more ram than Oblivion can use, and the GPU and processor check out way above the recommended requirements, plus I have added the 4gb patch (this was happening before I applied that, though, so that's not the cause of this issue).


Have you verified that the crash point is not a coincidence? You might load up a save game and go find a different battle with a different enemy in a different location and see if it crashes every time you get hit.

I've tried using the armor in different locations - outside Bruma vs bandits, inside Anvil vs guards, inside the Imperial City vs pirates. It happens the instant I'm hit by a weapon only with that particular armor.

Edited by rinoaff33
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