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Questions from a newbie!


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Hello, and thank you for reading.


I have a couple of questions that I wish to be answered, and was wondering if anyone here might have the answers.


1. How do I begin modding Fallout 4 (Specifically hair)


2. Do I need a certain program? (I.E photoshop)


3. Should I quit before I am ahead?

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Hey there! :)


I have only dabbled with vanilla hair mashups in Outfit Studio and nifskope, but never got them release quality. So I would suggest getting Outfit Studio, Bethesda Archive Extractor, and Nifskope if you want to work with hair meshes - and Photoshop if you want to do any kind of texture work! I'd suggest starting with fiddling with clothing meshes to get a feel for how Outfit Studio actually works (like the layers etc) before moving onto hair - I tried to go hair first and almost cried!!


I honestly haven't found a lot of tutorials, so I've found asking questions to people who make mods specifically like the ones you have in mind!


Good luck with everything!

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