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I'm sure every one reading this love oblivion nukes. But I had the best idea EVER. Howbout, when you fast travel It gives you the option to nuke it instead. Now I'm talking about a BIG EXPLOSION. I mean youl be sent flying in layawiin when you nukes Dive rock or Bruma. And you'll see the nuke going off that distance. Will some one please make this mod. PPPPLLLLLEEEEAAASSSEEE respond ASAP
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OK, so what you want is...

Your character is standing on Dive Rock and casts some sort of nuclear explosion spell. After this, your character is blown by the shockwave all the way to a city far away without being injured, and when you look back toward Dive Rock there is a big explosion of flame and a mushroom cloud or something where Dive Rock was? Wouldn't that sort of destroy the landscape and also kill your character? Maybe I am not understanding what you want.

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From a technical point of view the distance at which no nuke effect can be seen anymore is pretty short in Oblivion. One could make the nuke visible when distant through LOD meshes, but those won't move or change or anything, so it's again no feasible solution. Maybe one could use "morphing" meshes for this effect, but I don't know if those even can be used for LOD. Coming to think of it, you're that far away anyways, perhaps a billboard with just a nice animation of a nuke as texture could be the LOD mesh... but again I don't know if it's even possible for LOD to do this.


On a related note:

A while ago I was trying to make life detect somehow range over a whhole valley full of lifeforms. I was using trigonometrical math formulae to place adequately resized representative glowing dots at the correct projected position at max. near-view distance away from the player, but it did only work when the actors were close enough so I could see themselves anyways without any representative glowing dot projections. Turned out actors and other things outside of the near-view distance weren't even processed and technically "didn't exist" anymore at this time.

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That's really interesting, Drake. I didn't know they aren't processed. I think you are right that a billboard would be the way to go if someone makes the mod the OP wants. Not sure about dynamically changing LODs. Don't think it is possible, but could well be wrong.
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