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[WIPz] Sounds of Cyrodiil


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Sounds of Cyrodiil


I love to play Oblivion with music turned off to immerse myself in the world without having an orchestra following me.

While Oblivion offers a superb sound atmosphere, it's always a good thing to expand it.

The cities' sound ambiances are composed only of natural sound effects such as wind and birds. The interior of houses are soundless.


So I launched my sound editing software, gathered sound effects and started playing with creating sound atmospheres. What started a while ago as a city soundpack has evolved into something much deeper in terms of sound experience. Welcome to Sounds of Cyrodiil, where the Wilds, the Dungeons and Civilization get an audio overhaul!


What does it do?


Sounds of Cyrodiil overhauls the audio of Cyrodiil's three main locations: The Wilds, The Dungeons and Civilization. SoC is about adding around 200 professionally recorded sound effects and sound atmospheres to immerse you in these locations. It's also about hearing sounds in areas you previously couldn't, such as hearing footsteps on the tavern's first floor while you're plundering the cellar or hearing what's going on in the streets while you're looking through the window. It's about keeping you on the edge in a tomb by hearing the echo of a zombie moan coming from far away. It's about these and more.


Refer to the sound list below to learn more about the sounds covered in the Wilds, the Dungeons and Civilization. Also view the videos to see it all in action.



Sound List


The Wilds

More animals (And new ones), water sounds and weather additions.



  • Around 30 new frog or bull frog sounds for swamp areas.

  • Around 20-25 new bird sounds for forests, mountains, swamps and plains.

  • Rain hitting tents.

  • Insects flying-by your character's ears.

  • Birds flying away.

  • Strong, constant heavy wind on high mountain tops. (Like Dive Rock)

  • Cold, constant chilling gusts of wind in the Jerall Mountains.

  • 6 new short gusts of cold wind for northern Cyrodiil.

  • Rare occurance of hearing an avalanche happening far away in the Jerall Mountains.

  • Rare occurance of hearing a strange creature's scream echo in the Jerall Mountains.

  • Rodents running in the grass at night.

  • Calm and strong Ocean waves on the Gold Coast and the coast south of Leyawiin.

  • Water waves' impact on small embarkations.

  • Wolves howling in the distance.

  • Movements from small animals in the bushes/grass.

  • Rope bridges' supports and railing squeaking/being unstable

  • Bee nests in several locations


The Dungeons

Sounds are generated at a random position around the player with a random time between each sounds, keeping the player on the edge for danger.

Depending on what type of monsters inhabits the dungeon (Undead, Daedras or Standard/Humans), the sounds are different.



  • 12 Cave Creaking sounds

  • Rocks falling and hitting ground in the distance in caves

Ayleid Ruins

  • 6 mystical sounds

All Dungeons/Sewers

  • Bats flapping by your head

  • Small rodents squeaking around

  • 6-10 sounds of doors opened and closed in the distance.

  • Small bugs running by.

  • 7 chilling sounds for undead-infested lairs such as zombies moaning in the distance or wraiths screaming...somewhere.

  • 16 creepy sounds for daedric-infested lairs such as deep voices talking in an unrecognizable language or magical sounds.




Basement Atmosphere

  • People's footsteps walking by above your head

  • Chairs being pulled/pushed

  • Doors being opened and slammed shut


"Window" Atmosphere - Hear what's going on outside from the inside of buildings depending on your location.


  • When raining or during thunderstorms, listen to the rain hitting the building's windows when getting close to them. (Rain is only heard close to windows)

  • In cities, listen to people shouting, cat fights, dog barks, drunkards leaving the tavern laughing/yelling/singing, doors being slammed. Different sound atmosphere for daytime and nighttime.

  • Near beaches/docks, hear the ocean waves, ships rigging and seagulls

  • In farms, hear farm animals if there are any nearby. (Sheep by default, but options for hens/chickens and cows)

  • In stables, hear the horses.

  • In the wilds, hear the wilderness animals. (Birds/Wolves/Crickets depending on time)


Tavern Atmosphere


Street Atmosphere

  • People shouting

  • Cats fighting

  • Dogs barking

  • Doors being opened and slammed shut.

  • Children laughing

  • Workers sawing wood/using tools

  • Listen to the Imperial City Arena's matches from the outside =

  • Farm animals in the distance (Only farms that have animals)

  • Blacksmiths hammering in their forge (Heard only when passing by a blacksmith shop)




  • Beautiful, godly atmosphere for Mara and Dibella's chapels

  • Deep, godly atmospheres for the male Deities' chapels.

  • Monk chants for Stendarr's Chapel

  • Hall echo atmosphere during nighttime


Other Civilization sounds

  • Potions boiling in shops, houses and Mages Guild offices where alchemical appartuses are located.

  • Snoring for 122 NPCs when they are asleep.

  • The Arcane University's Pink Fire has been given a magical touch. =

  • All castles have a looping, echoed atmosphere.

  • Looping Atmosphere for the Imperial Library in which you can hear books being taken and replaced, pages being flipped.

  • A suitable, echoed atmosphere for the Temple of the One.



Special Events (Quest spoilers ahead)


  • Battle of Bruma: Soldiers charging and clashing against the daedras.

  • Battle of Bruma: Looping battle atmosphere of soldiers clashing with the daedric forces.

  • Imperial City Besieged: Soldiers fighting, arrows passing by, explosions, battle horns =




Feel free to comment. I'm always open to suggestions. ;)

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Time go down deep in Cyrodiil's Dungeons, where monsters do not hesitate to make themselves heard when one trespasses in their lair. The Dungeons' sounds are scripted by Phitt.

When exploring a dungoen, an invisible scripted activator moves around the player at random positions, playing a random sound effect with a randomized delay between each sound.


As such, the atmosphere is more unique and you can never predict what creepy sound effect you'll hear next. Each dungeon type (Forts, Ayleid Ruins and Caves) have base sound effects such as rocks cracking or mystical sounds for ruins but, if the dungeon is inhabited by the Undead or Daedras, fitting sound effects are played in addition to the base sounds.


If you don't know what monster lives in the dungeon you've just explored, listen around you. You might hear a zombie moan far, far away.


This said, feast your ears on the sounds in action:

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The sounds are pretty amazing, where can I get it? :D


The project is not yet released but almost is. All sound points have been placed, all scripts are working and functional.

I have some more recording/editing to do and a bit of testing. After that, your Oblivion's audio experience should upgrade significantly. ;)

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