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On the same note of different bodies sizes, I been working on mix and matching different armors created for different bodies. So could you also add how to get overlapping pieces to work with each other as well as the resizing. I gone through most of the tutorials and none seem to cover these two issues. Thanks ad good luck with the tutorial.
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i would like to see a Tutorial on resizing armor for different bodies (i tried it and i still cant seem to get it right).

+1 on this, definitely needed!

Also a tutorial on how to split a costume/armor into different pieces so my character can pick and choose what to wear, instead of always wearing the full thing.


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i would like to see a Tutorial on resizing armor for different bodies (i tried it and i still cant seem to get it right).


I need a bit more description, like, if you were to make a dwarf that the armor would look different?

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I think what is ment, as I have the HGEC body mod and would like to know how as well. Is taking armour from other mods or armor in game that has yet to be converted to fit the current body mod used by a player. Atleast that is what I would figure. As I do have some favorite armour that I have not seen converted yet to fit the HGEC body and even as I am decent with Blender I too have abit of issue trying to do this.
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I am very sorry guys, but I don't have any experience in blender. All i can suggest, is load both the armor and body into blender, go into the edit mode, and extrude the armor where it needs to be to cover the body. I doubt I will have time, but I may try and figure it out sometime, and maybe make a tutorial if i can.
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Yeah, you'd have to load it into blender (body and cuirass) and go into the edit mode, and exturde points until you cover the parts you want up. Take a look at this. It is for a sword, but it shows how to go into edit mode, and extrude. Hope it helps.
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