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Deleting from a mod


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I'm building a mod that is dependent on another mod's master file. Because if some bugs in the master file I made changes to some scripts and saved them in my mod. Now the original master has been fixed and built upon so my overrides are no longer needed and in fact now override the improvements in the master file.


The problem is, when I delete the scripts in my mod in the GECK they aren't removed from my mod, they're just flagged as deleted so that in the game neither my version or the original are working.


Is is possible to actually delete a script, quest, etc... from a mod in a way that causes it to just default to the mod before it in the load order?




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Just be careful when you delete stuff in FNVEDIT that you don't leave refererences to the deleted stuff or things may get crashy :)

I found I had to manually remove them in GECK or GECK would crash when trying to save the file.

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