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My friend can't get mods to work

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I have a friend who doesn't have internet at their house, but still wanted some Oblivion mods. So, I put a few that I had downloaded, such as "A Brotherhood Renewed" and "Dragorian and Dranaugh" onto their flash drive. But none of the mods work correctly, and an error pops up when they try to check mark one in the Oblivion Data Files. The new objects that come with the mods all pop up as giant exclamation marks, and I'm not that experienced of a modder, but I believe that means that the object is missing the meshes.


My friend also has the Construction Set on their computer, which I had also put on the flash drive, but an error pops up whenever they try to open the Oblivion Master File.


Since I'm not that experienced of a modder, I don't know how to fix these. Can anyone tell me how to do it so I can help my friend?


This might also help to know: I don't remember what any of the error messages said.

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