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Setting a Global variable in a menu


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I'm designing a custom gun with multiple settings to it, and I want to be able to determine which setting it uses through a global variable that's set by a menu. This menu is called through an ingestable item that replenishes itself after being used.


Everything about the gun EXCEPT setting the global variable through a menu works. I can change the global variable using console commands and the gun behaves as it should, but the menu doesn't change anything. This is my first menu, so I assume I'm doing something horribly stupid. The global variable is "GunSettings"


ScriptName GunSettingscript

int iButton0

Begin ScriptEffectStart
ShowMessage GunGSettingMessage	; shows up as it should

set iButton0 to GetButtonPressed
if iButton0 == -1 ; No button has been pressed yet
elseif iButton0 == 0 
	;Change Nothing
elseif iButton0 == 1
	set GunSettings to 101
elseif iButton0 == 2
	set GunSettings to 201
elseif iButton0 == 3 
	set GunSettings to 301
elseif iButton0 == 4
	set GunSettings to 401
elseif iButton0 == 5 
	set GunSettings to 501



Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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A scripteffectstart block only runs one frame.


So use a gamemode block or a scripteffectupdate for the meat of your script.


ScriptName GunSettingscript

int iButton0
int iMenuInit

Begin ScriptEffectStart

set iMenuInit to 0


Begin ScriptEffectUpdate

	if (iMenuInit == 2)
	if (iMenuInit == 0)
		ShowMessage GunGSettingMessage  ; shows up as it should
		set iMenuInit to 1

   	set iButton0 to GetButtonPressed
   	if iButton0 == -1 ; No button has been pressed yet
   	elseif iButton0 == 0 
           	;Change Nothing
			set iMenuInit to 2
   	elseif iButton0 == 1
           	set GunSettings to 101
			set iMenuInit to 2
   	elseif iButton0 == 2
           	set GunSettings to 201
			set iMenuInit to 2
   	elseif iButton0 == 3 
           	set GunSettings to 301
			set iMenuInit to 2
   	elseif iButton0 == 4
           	set GunSettings to 401
			set iMenuInit to 2
   	elseif iButton0 == 5 
           	set GunSettings to 501
			set iMenuInit to 2


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Thank you for your reply, but it doesn't seem to work. I've tried several variations with scripteffectupdate and gamemode blocks, but none of them work right. Whatever the issue is seems to revolve around registering the button value correctly. When debugging, I tried inserting a message, and know that iButton does successfully return -1 in several versions of the script, but won't return anything else.


Here was my last failed attempt. It's among the ones that got as far as the -1 return:


ScriptName  GunSettingscript

int iButton
int menuappear

Begin scripteffectstart
set menuappear to 0

Begin GameMode

if menuappear == 0
		ShowMessage GunSettingMessage
		set menuappear to 1

set iButton to GetButtonPressed

if iButton > -1
	if iButton == 0 
		showmessage GunHasBeenSet
	elseif iButton == 1 
	               set  GunSettings to 101
		showmessage GunHasBeenSet
	elseif iButton == 2 
	               set  GunSettings to 201
		showmessage GunHasBeenSet
	elseif iButton == 3 
                set  GunSettings to 301
		showmessage GunHasBeenSet
	elseif iButton == 4
   	            set  GunSettings to 401
		showmessage GunHasBeenSet
	elseif iButton == 5 
  	             set  GunSettings to 501
		showmessage GunHasBeenSet



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Sorry, I missed the part about using an ingestible.

In order to get it to run multiple frames, you have to give the effect inside the ingestible a duration. For this script, I just gave it a duration of 9999. Then the script dispels it when its done.


ScriptName  GunSettingscript

int iButton
int menuappear

Begin scripteffectupdate

if (menuappear == 0)
	ShowMessage GunSettingMessage
	set menuappear to 1
elseif (menuappear == 2)
	player.dispel GunSettingIngestible

set iButton to GetButtonPressed

if iButton > -1
	if iButton == 0 
		set menuappear to 2
	elseif iButton == 1 
		set  GunSettings to 101
		set menuappear to 2
	elseif iButton == 2 
		set  GunSettings to 201
		set menuappear to 2
	elseif iButton == 3 
		set  GunSettings to 301
		set menuappear to 2
	elseif iButton == 4
		set  GunSettings to 401
		set menuappear to 2
	elseif iButton == 5 
		set  GunSettings to 501
		set menuappear to 2



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