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Fallout NV worth buying when it goes GOTY?


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Its going to be a goty? Yay! I was hoping it would ^-^
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Fallout 3 was better.


Matter of opinion.



from the characters,


Fallout 3 had characters? I thought it was full of walking mannequins with no real personality *cough* Three Dog *cough*



to the locations,


Fallout 3's locations were small and boring, and they were mostly made up of copy paste subway tunnels.


the feeling of total despair, the actual feeling that this was a wasteland. it was a fallout game,


That's the polar opposite of Fallout, Fallout 1 and 2 showed a world full of progress after the war, huge towns, farming, in fact Fallout 3 was a giant step back for Fallout in terms of its world.


it felt like people had no hope and that you were their hope or down fall. one of the best game worlds ever made. also the fact you could go anywhere on the map. random encounters.


Yeah a game full of lazy people who would rather beg then do something to make their life, and possibly other people lives better is definitely a good game world :|



only thing new vegas had on FO3 was gameplay. pretty much because they saw what the modders did with it and added it in to the game aka modable weapons and iron sights.


Don't forget overall better writing, voice acting, plot, game world design (yes I think its better, in Fallout 3 you couldn't walk 5 feet without either running into, a evil creature, a raider, or some impossible loot, I'm sorry but that's lazy), better DLC so far IMO, traits, better perks, perks every other level (wish it would go back to every 2 levels but whatever), no overabundance of dungeon levels, and its an actual Role Playing Game, it honors your characters choices, and has more choices in general.


FNV runs better..... if its not highly modded. before the dead money patch came out i had 150+ esps on FNV and ran perfectly after i had to cut it down to 80 after and ran ok. theres a bug that makes it run like crap if go over 100 or so depending on your computer. but even with my awesome computer FNV doesnt like going over 100 esps. damn shame. maybe they'll fix it who knows its getting patched again before the new DLC.


I hate to break it to you, but its like that with Oblivion and Fallout 3 as well.


and whats with everyone thinking it will get a GOTY edition, so far I haven't seen any reviewers give it the GOTY title, maybe a New Vegas Complete Edition.


So yes its worth buying, heck its worth buying now.

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"Matter of opinion."


if it is, what was the point of saying all that? and some of the stuff you say isn't an opinion its just down right wrong like saying NV runs better then FO3 and oblivion. the dead money patch bugged it and limited how far you can mod the game. FO3 was small and boring lolwut again. FO3 had more locations and most had a unmarked quest or story behind it couldnt say that about NV, hell some loctions are nothing more then a building you cant get in to. now thats lazy. then you talk about game world design about how NV is very empty yes we know, ITS BORING. its true in FO3 you would find things to kill every 5 mins... if stayed on the roads. theres a very good reason why AWOP is one of the most popular mods for NV it adds things to do and explore to the rather empty boring Vegas.


but whatever you sounds like obsidian's number 1 fan. so wont matter what i say.



also dead money was god awful and honest hearts ends in 15 mins which disappointing because could actually been to the level of broken steel, the pitt or point lookout.

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FONV was ok, at best. Like hector said, most of it is made of buildings you can't explore... I really don't like Obsidian, but it was Fallout, so I thought "whatever" and got it. Dead Money was horrible. Yay, I get to run around with a collar that explodes near radios. Joy. Honest Hearts is much better, at least to me. I don't see how you did it in 15 minutes, because it took me an hour and a half... Did you do the side quests and do the quests right (IE instead of giving them the poisoned medicine, get Whiskey or something and "purify" it?)
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FONV was ok, at best. Like hector said, most of it is made of buildings you can't explore... I really don't like Obsidian, but it was Fallout, so I thought "whatever" and got it. Dead Money was horrible. Yay, I get to run around with a collar that explodes near radios. Joy. Honest Hearts is much better, at least to me. I don't see how you did it in 15 minutes, because it took me an hour and a half... Did you do the side quests and do the quests right (IE instead of giving them the poisoned medicine, get Whiskey or something and "purify" it?)


maybe not 15mins but i dont think it took me over 2 hours to finish every quest and get all items which was disappointing. the end of the main quest line in honest hearts come as a compete shock to me, i didnt expect it to end so soon. also honest hearts sufferers from weak locations again most of honest hearts are tables or lookout points. other then the Survivalist unmarked quest not much to do at the locations.

Edited by hector530
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