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Type3 Body replacer not working

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Hi this is my first time starting a thread here yet alone posting haha. i just tend to lurk to find answers :happy: anyways I'm pretty new to modding since i just threw together my first gaming rig so maybe its my inexperience thats causing my problems with this mod. So anyways here's the problem:


I'm having some difficulties installing the type3 body for fallout3 (made by dimon99)... i followed all the instructions exactly as stated by Dimon99 and the fist time i loaded it up the body seemed kind of distorted and warped for some weird reason and only the bra was off and the underwear were kind of drooping down the legs. kinda strange haha (i believe the mod removes undergarments, not sure). Then at a second attempt i activated all the dlc to see if that would make a difference and the distortion was gone and it was the normal body type... So anyways not sure what could be causing this mod not to work for me but please let me know what ya think. i bought the game off steam with all the dlc already with it. oh ya and in the data folder all the folders are some weird file type called "bethesda file archive". not sure if that makes a difference either :/ i tried unpacking the archives but then realized i didnt wanna mess around with something i hadn't the slightest knowledge about...thanks for any help in advance!

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Are you using Archive Invalidation Invalidated? If not, do so now!


yes i am, i followed all of dimon99's instructions. i downloaded it and have it activated. im not sure if theres any particular way to set-up Archive Invalidation Invalidated. i kinda just downloaded it and ran it and it said it was working. so i assume thats not the problem :[

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anybody else have any idea? does it matter that the texture and meshes folder are BSA files instead of folders?


Yes it does. If you're using the BSAs you need to install the mod with FOMM. I suggest using the regular files and manual install. It is a good brain exercise and gives experience for dealing with mod file issues.

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Ok i am using fomm but theres really no way to install type3 with fomm. i thought it was a manual process? How to I do a manual install like u stated? are you talking about manually installing the mod or game? sorry for so many questions... honestly i tried modding a while back but gave up and now that i have a gaming rig Ive just started trying again :/
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Manually install the mod. I personally would never use a BSA version for something with as few files as a body mod, and since Oblivion have always unpacked the BSA's using OBMM or FOMM depending on the game, as body mods can be particularly cranky about installing if you don't.


You will need FOMM to unpack your BSA's, whichk should be unpacked into your Data folder. Then do a manual install so that Type 3 files overwrite. The following is lifted from the Type 3 New Vegas Release;-




DO NOT USE FOMM to try and install this mod. Instalation is done manually. You must have these file paths in your data folder.





If you do not have them, create the file folders to match the paths.


Now MANUALLY copy/paste from the files you downloaded to the corresponding folders in your Data folder. Meshes go in _male, textures go in female.


Download and install ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated. It is for Fallout 3 but that should not matter. Download the MANUAL VERSION and place it in your Data folder. DO NOT use the automated installer.




Once installed, go to Documents\My Games\ Fallout3 and right click the Fallout doc. Look at Properties, if it is Read Only uncheck it. Open the doc and Ctrl+f. Find SInvalidationFile. Change the [Archive] block to look like this:










SArchiveList=Fallout - Voices1.bsa, Fallout - Sound.bsa, Fallout - Misc.bsa, ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa, Fallout - Textures.bsa, Fallout - Textures2.bsa, Fallout - Meshes.bsa


Do the same thing to FalloutPrefs.


Now go to your Fallout 3 directory and open the Fallout_default config doc. Change the [Archive] block like you did for the Fallout and FalloutPrefs docs.


Once all of that is done, open the FOMM. Go to Tools and select Archive Invalidation from the drop down menu. Toggle archive invalidation on and off and then leave it ON.


Now load the game and play. If this doesn't work, update your game and start the process again. If it still doesn't work you're basically screwed as far as mesh or texture replacers go, since that is all this mod is.



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^^^ thanks for the advice and instructions, ya the game came with everything as BSA files. it kinda blows... Is it ok if i just unpack the meshes and textures BSA? or do i need to do all of the other BSA files as well? and once ive unpacked them and modded them do i need to repack them?
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