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Trouble scripting delays


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I have a quest in which the PC brings gecko hides to my vendor and after a day, the PC can return and pick up a new eyepatch made from them. I've got this on a timer which seems to work okay unless the PC drops off more hides (different species) and is waiting for two or more patches simultaneously. I did something like this with separate variables for each variety of gecko:


int GeckoFireCustom ;1 = waiting, 2 = done 3 = picked up

float GeckoFireCustomDelay ;my timer variable


begin GameMode


if GeckoFireCustomDelay == 0

set GeckoFireCustomDelay to -1


if GeckoFireCustom == 1 ;choosing a certain topic will set this in results script

if GeckoFireCustomDelay == -1

set GeckoFireCustomDelay to GameDaysPassed + 1

elseif GameDaysPassed > GeckoFireCustomDelay

Set GeckoFireCustom to 2 ;this unlocks the topic response which adds patch.





I even have a separate topic for each type of patch, but it still won't work. Anyone have any ideas what would cause a timer to malfunction?

Edited by KazFoxsen
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Hard to tell from what you've posted. Missing endit after the first if? You didn't wait a full 24hrs?


If you're running result scripts and you have conditionals on your dialog, then it may be easier to do it all there rather than having a running main quest script.


The quest script is still handy though used as a 'Variable Resource'. It doesn't have to contain any blocks.


scn MyVRQuestScr

int GeckoFireCustom ;1 = waiting, 2 = done 3 = picked up
float GeckoFireCustomDelay ;my timer variable


You're already setting GeckoFireCustom from a result script, so set the Delay variable there too.


Conditions for the next dialog...

GetQuestVariable( 'MyQuest.GeckoFireCustom' == 1 ) AND

GetQuestVariable( 'MyQuest.GeckoFireCustomDelay' != 0 ) AND <-- Should not really need this conditional as will be set before GFCustom == 1

GetQuestVariable( 'MyQuest.GeckoFireCustomDelay' < Global(GameDaysPassed) ) <-- Use the 'Global' checkbox in the conditional popup box


Hope that makes sense.

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