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Dynamic Faction AI War Mod?


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Hey guys.



I was playing around with some great mods on here and was wondering if anyone has made some type of dynamic faction warfare like mod. Where the factions actively fight for area's of the map.

For instance the Legion and NCR fighting over a town, or location. Sending patrols form controlled base locations for actual reasons "to take over trade routes or moving towards and objective. Perhaps a loose AI build around

the idea of factions having supply's and spawning NPC attack forces based on those supply's?


I love playing games knowing there's a bigger picture then just the small unconnected battles.

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Increased Wasteland Spawns has an optional module that adds faction battles around the place, or there's Warzones (which adds more and bigger fights, but they're intrusive and have too heavy a performance hit IMO). Actual dynamic wars with shifting front lines are difficult to do without depriving the player of content; if you turned up at a ranger station to talk to one of the NPCs only to discover the Legion killed everyone there when you were away, it'd be pretty annoying. You need to build from the ground up around the fact that large swathes of the map can die, which paradoxically means the critical locations end up devoid of content (other than just fights).
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