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Setting an Animation for a newly added Ability


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Alright so I added the Suppression ability for Advent troopers and it works as intended. The AI uses the ability correctly and everything. Problem is that it seems that there is no set animation for the ability when it's fired by a Trooper, so he's left standing there, idle even though the ability works as intended. I'm not familiar at all with how the Editor works and I have no idea how to fix this issue, so help a guy out! How do I set an ability to work in conjunction with a character ability?

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Unfortunately due to the game bugs which swinka6666 has pointed out, your project involves jumping into fairly deep waters. Until you have more experience, it may be worthwhile to note down as a "known bug" in your mod that the troopers don't have the proper suppression graphics. Basically, you need to create 3-4 custom weapons, each slightly modified from the normal trooper weapons.

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Suppression ability is added to advent soldiers via weapon.

There are 3 advent weapons with suppression:






Don't add ability to character, but give character other weapon via Loadout.

It is the simplest, without messing in Unreal Editor and probably will look "messy".


Edit: You can try do it your way by adding ability to character, but then try to give them xcom cannon, to see if it will work, but still "messy".

I already added the ability to the 3 weapon classes. The issue is there's no animation but because of the bug, looks like this will be a task later for me to figure out

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I gave Centurion (got it under hand) Modified Advent Assault Rifle and suppression look like this:


Is this ok to you?


Edit: If it is ok, then download this add it to your solution into Content folder.

Then modify weapon templates to include:


And change weapon Template.GameArchetype to this:

Template.GameArchetype = "AdvAssaultRifleMOD.WP_AssaultRifle_MG_AdventMOD"; 

It was 5 minutes of work and there is no rain of bullets when suppressing as in cannon suppression, but it do the job in my opinion.

Thank you so much, I'll be sure to use this technique when i, eventually, make more enemies able to use suppression. Credit will be given as well :smile:


EDIT: I also kind of like the slower fire rate with suppressing from an assault rifle as well

Edited by AdmiralScorpii
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