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A romance for Veronica


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romance as in sweety pie things or romance as in sex? if sex then there's already several sex mods out there, just type in prostitution or sex in the search button
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I think some romance for veronica could be good. According to her she has a past lover (whom we may or may not know) that was a girl, she's smart, funny, talented, and I mean come on, she's good at punching things. There's already a ton of sex mods that could probably co-exist with a romance mod, but no romance mod. So if your relationship must lead to the horizontal shuffle, there's lots of mods for it. but why not add some romance to it?
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Major issue is voice acting, many people nowadays do not like it if you release a mod without voice acting. It could be a amazing mod with great characters, but you will get people complaining about no voices.

Some of it could prolly be hacked apart from her dialog now but a lot of it would need to be new... :\


Thats why none of the vanilla companions have anything new out.

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Yes, Nivea, but voice acting is best avoided if it can't be done right. Look at the Rockville Commons mod for Fallout 3. A single guy did the voices for every single character in the mod. And there were quite a few. All done by a very bad voice actor with poor recording equipment. Most of them he tried to make sound different by giving them accent. In particular, people complained the French guy sounded like Peppi le Pu. Then there's the fact there were absolutely no women in the Rockville Commons mod, purely because the guy who made it couldn't do a female voice if his life depended on it. I counted one inside a house in the titular town of Rockville, but she just had generic NPC dialogue of "whatcha need" and "bye".


If you ask me, that mod ruined voice acting for me. I'd rather just have good dialogue written well with no spelling errors without a voice than to have to listen to very, very bad voice acting.


If the Willow mod is as good as they say, though, I may have to fire up a male Courier for the first time just to try it out. I'm curious if the voice acting really adds to the experience.


Though... the Outcast Nitro mod for Fallout 3 was done purely with generic NPC sound clips. They were all the same voice actor doing the lines, which is easy in a Bethesda game, and it came across pretty convincing. You just couldn't make small talk with him at all. If you could, he'd have to say something other than generic dialogue found elsewhere in the game files but happens to fit the player's question.

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You have no arguments from me about not needing voice acting, I come from the game era where RAAAAAAAR! battle cries was as much voice acting as you got. XD

I just meant that most people have come to expect companions to have voices so much to the fact that they will not download or *censored* at the modder for voices.


Do get Willow even if you play a girl she is a great BFF!

Edited by nivea
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I would die for Veronica to be more than just a travel companion, the hard part is as said, lack of VO for her, and getting Felicia Day to do new VO for Veronica is going to be impossible unless you have a truckload of cash to throw at her for a couple hours work.


But... Willow is a great gf for either male or female courier! I cant go anywhere without her, and I can honestly say that the VO is what puts the mod over the top of the next 5 hills.

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Hmmm... Willow sounds very, very tempting, I must say. I'm not one for same-sex friendships, at least not in my storytelling. Always found platonic opposite-sex friendships to be much more entertaining to write and read about. But if the mod is as awesome as everyone says it is, I may have to pick it up. Willow could be my heterosexual life partner. XD
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