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Real-Time Interactions + Crime & Guard Overhaul Error


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Did anyone ever figure out a fix for the "too few args" error in console when using latest version RTI? Really want to use CGO mod which requires it but afraid of error display I get.


Other users have had same problem:






I get the error through a variation of load order. Seems to be RTI itself. Can't go to Reneer's Guard Overhaul so hopefully this can be fixed.


Please help!

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Hi. I found the script in RTI that's giving me an error. It's the initialization script.


Maskar said there might be something missing.


Could someone take a look and let me know if you see anything?




scn pm0init0
short Restarted
short tsA
short tsB
short tsC
ref trA
string_var StrA
string_var StrB
Begin Function { Restarted }
if pm0.Mode
set pm0.CancelTime to 5
set pm0init.SaveTimer to 0
set pm0.LoadDoorTime to 0
set pm0.SaveNow to 0
RunBatchScript "data\ini\pmRTISettings.ini"
if pm0.UseFKeys
DisableKey 59
DisableKey 60
DisableKey 61
DisableKey 62
if pm0.Debug && pm0.DebugOn == 0
SetDebugMode 1
elseif pm0.Debug == 0 && pm0.DebugOn
SetDebugMode 0
if pm0init.Version < 0.9
AddTopic pm0EngageTopic
set pm0init.Version to 0.9
if pm0init.Version < 1.05
Let pm0.DialogLocked := ar_Construct StringMap
if pm0init.Version < 1.1
Let pm0.NPCNames := ar_Construct StringMap
Call pm0NPCExceptions
if pm0init.Version < 1.13
Let pm0.CityMarkersX := ar_Map 1::28646 2::-187990 3::64939 4::26781 5::121580 6::-64346 7::85246 8::-67819
Let pm0.CityMarkersY := ar_Map 1::63416 2::-31912 3::-36087 4::146988 5::91879 6::95201 7::-139375 8::4606
set pm0GetLocationData.fQuestDelayTime to 1
Let pm0.RegionSpaces := ar_Construct Map
set pm0init.Version to 1.13
Let pm0.Options := ar_Construct array
Let pm0.Engages := ar_Construct array
Let pm0.NonTargOpt := ar_Construct array
Let pm0.DialogEligs := ar_Construct array
Let pm0.Options [0] := ar_Construct StringMap
Let pm0.Options [0] ["FnCheckElig"] := pm0EngagesElig
Let pm0.Options [0] ["FnActivate"] := pm0EngagesActivate
Let pm0.Options [0] ["HUD"] := sv_Construct "pm0.EngagesHUD"
Let pm0.Engages [0] := ar_Construct StringMap
Let pm0.Engages [0] ["FnCheckElig"] := pm0DialogCheckElig
Let pm0.Engages [0] ["FnActivate"] := pm0DialogActivate
Let pm0.Engages [0] ["FnKeyA"] := pm0DialogKeyA
Let pm0.Engages [0] ["FnKeyB"] := pm0DialogKeyB
Let pm0.Engages [0] ["FnKeyX"] := pm0DialogKeyX
Let pm0.Engages [0] ["HUD"] := sv_Construct "pm0.DialogHUD"
Let pm0.EngagesHUD := ar_Construct Array
Let pm0.EngagesHUD [0] := ar_Construct StringMap
Let pm0.EngagesHUD [0] ["Text"] := sv_Construct "[Engage]"
Let pm0.DialogHUD := ar_Construct Array
Let pm0.DialogHUD [0] := ar_Construct StringMap
Let pm0.DialogHUD [1] := ar_Construct StringMap
Let pm0.DialogHUD [2] := ar_Construct StringMap
Let pm0.DialogHUD [3] := ar_Construct StringMap
Let pm0.DialogHUD [0] ["Text"] := " "
Let pm0.DialogHUD [1] ["Text"] := " "
Let pm0.DialogHUD [2] ["Text"] := " "
Let pm0.DialogHUD [3] ["Text"] := " "
set pm0.OptionsSize to 1
set pm0.EngagesSize to 1
set pm0.NonTargOptSize to 0
set pm0.DialogEligsSize to 0
Let pm0.CitiesInfo := ar_Construct Map
Let pm0init.InitFns := ar_Construct Array
Let pm0.CellChangeFns := ar_Construct Array
Call pm0initX
RunBatchScript "pmRealTimeInteractions.ini"
set tsA to 0
set tsB to GetNumLoadedMods
while tsA < tsB
set pm0init.Index to tsA
Let StrA := GetNthModName tsA
Let tsC := sv_Find ".esp" StrA
if tsC > -1
sv_Erase StrA tsC
set StrB to sv_Construct "data\ini\RTIPlugins\%z.ini" StrA
if eval ( FileExists $StrB ) && eval ( StrB != "pmRealTimeInteractions.ini" )
set pm0init.FileName to sv_Construct "%z.esp" StrA
RunBatchScript $StrB
sv_Destruct pm0init.FileName
Let tsA += 1
sv_Destruct StrA
sv_Destruct StrB
Let tsA := ar_Size pm0init.InitFns
set tsB to 0
if tsA > -1
while tsB < tsA
Let trA := pm0init.InitFns [tsB]
Call trA
Let tsB += 1
if Restarted
mqinsertXML "pmRealTimeInteractions\pmRTIrect.xml" 1004
mqinsertXML "pmRealTimeInteractions\pmRTItextA.xml|pm0HUDrect" 1004
SetMenuFloatValue "pm0HUDrect\pm0HUDtextA\_x" 1004 pm0.DispositionX
SetMenuFloatValue "pm0HUDrect\pm0HUDtextA\_y" 1004 pm0.DispositionY
set pm0.fQuestDelayTime to 0.1
PrintC "RTI initialised (%.2f)" pm0init.Version
set pm0.Initialised to 1
;<CSECaretPos> 254 </CSECaretPos>

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