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I'm trying to make it so it is always active. Like a constant effect


It should be possible because someone made a mod that makes water breathing always active for argonians (sp?)

I'm not sure, not having ever been able to get telekensis to work myself, but I don't think the effect works the samw way. You could try to set it up as an ability, and use a script somewhere to add that ability to the player (since adding new abilities/spells via race seems to be bugged), to see it it works. However I would be tempted to think that this is something which would have to be activated via lesser power for it to work. Either way you would need some scripting to add it to the player.

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It has to be activated. If you make it a lesser power then you can cast it again and again, as long as you make it cost 0 mana. You can't have contant telekenesis, the spell has to be cast upon the object you want to grab.
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ok, I've started making the new race. I'm also trying to make a birthsign (it has detect life 25 feet CE and resist magicka 50%. I might add a weakness to normal weapons so a breton wouldn't have 100% resist)

Except there are a few problems;


1- It takes on the hair style of a redguard/orc (depending on which way your selecting it)

2- Hair style can't be changed, eye color is not changeable (but the eyes are pretty cool as is)

3- Birthsign is selectable, but you can't press the OK button.

4- Birthsign description won't show (it shows the description of the last selected/highlighted sign)

5- Any class that gives you spells will erase the lesser powers.


I'm just at a loss right now, and the CS site is not helping much


also, scripts go right over my head

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I've fixed the hair/eye problem (it was because I didn't assign hair/eyes to the race)


Tweaked the height (the height was centered around the chest/neck when in vanity mode, now it's more around the face)


Increased the starting powers (used to be command creature and humanoid level 1, now it's 10)


Birthsign is still a problem. I just can't seem to get that one down


And my biggest problem;

If you select any class that starts you with spells, it erases the lesser powers

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I've fixed the hair/eye problem (it was because I didn't assign hair/eyes to the race)


Tweaked the height (the height was centered around the chest/neck when in vanity mode, now it's more around the face)


Increased the starting powers (used to be command creature and humanoid level 1, now it's 10)


Birthsign is still a problem. I just can't seem to get that one down


And my biggest problem;

If you select any class that starts you with spells, it erases the lesser powers

Birthsigns are like races, you can't make new ones add new abilities/powers for some silly reason. You need to add some scripting to add the abilities/powers to the player to make them work. The scripting isn't that complicated, but it has to be done for it to work.

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