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I need some new race playable chars and armor and such can anyone hel


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i was wandering if anyone could make like a monkey race,a ninja race with like ninja armor and swords and such,and also a demon nazi race .....Im pretty much just lookin for crazy races and weapons and ill will pay if u can make any of the ones i suggested or if u got any crazy races u wanna make hit me up and ill see if i like ur idea and ill pay for those also....email at [email protected]


also im looking for crazy beast demons and animal races stuff like that


EDIT: Merged posts. Please use the edit button to add more to your post rather than double posting so quickly. Thanks. ^^


- Switch

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Paying for mods may be illegal, but paying someone to make a mod isn't. Its more like contracting, so if you can find someone who accepts pay for this you might be lucky, although costs can be high.
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  • 6 months later...

IMHO i think if you want someone to even consider this, you will have to put in a bit more detail and thought into your post, eg referance images at least be a bit more descriptive of what you want.

Also i dont think i saw a single please in your post except when you were asking people to use the edit button, please is only a six letter word and it doesnt require any extra effort from you but you may be supprised on how much of an effect using manners can help.



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