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Need help making a quick script


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I'm having some difficulties making a script capable of coordinating a vertibird's fire rotation to making a marker fire a projectile. Here's what my script looks like right now:



scn ZTestVertibirdFireScript


float timer


Begin OnActivate


if timer < 13


ZTESTGunShip.playgroup fastleft 1


set timer to (timer + GetSecondsPassed)




ZMissileLauncher2.fireweapon WeapMissileLauncher


set timer to 0







I've timed the vertibird to 13 seconds when it gets at the perfect position to aim and fire the rockets from the second it begins its animation.


I know that it is on activate. I was using this script on an object first to test it before putting it in a trigger zone.

What do I need to fix?

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OnActivate blocks will only run once when it's activated (per activation). Something like what you're trying to do would be better suited to using a gamemode block to manage the timer, and then the OnActivate (or OnTriggerEnter?) to start the timer.



short RunTimer  
float TimerVar  

Begin OnActivate  
GetSecondsPassed ;This may be redundant (Would just ensure it is run at least once to establish a 1st time before attempting to get sensible values out of it)  
set TimerVar to 0  
set RunTimer to 1  
;Do other once off stuff, like playgroup

Begin GameMode  
if RunTimer<1  
set TimerVar to TimerVar + GetSecondsPassed  
if TimerVar>=13  
 ;Do Stuff..IE, Fire missile  
 set RunTimer to 0  

Something like that will start the timer when the OnActivate block is triggered, and then the gamemode block will manage the timer. Once the 13s has passed "set RunTimer to 0" will halt everything until the OnActivate block is triggered again.

Edited by Skevitj
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