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How do I get red of my 'test mods'


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I have created some 'test mods' along with some youtube tutorial to learn some of the basics.

Currently I am in a game of Xcom 2 and also use mods for playing. The mods I debugged and tried out now also show up in the Xcom 2 launcher but I have no idea how I can delete them?

Just deleting the folders from my harddrive without doing anything else just does not sound like such a good idea to me...


Can somebody help me, please?


edit: Sorry, I just realized I have written 'get red' instead of 'get rid' in the topic title.

Edited by DreizehnX
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Awesome, thanks a lot!



Don't delete the modbuddy directory.

Do you mean because I could accidentaly delete important files or is it just no good idea to delete the custom mods from there? (I already have 5 'My XCOM2 Mod' folders there)

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The modbuddy directory is where all your original source files are. If you never want to see the mod code again, you can delete it. But, the *game* will never look there, so it will stop showing up in the mod launcher picklist once you delete it from the other two places.

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