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Start your own shelter ?


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Would be nice to have some details.


Fenryr3001 is right, you'd be hard pressed to be more vague in your original post or your followup post. That being said there is some ideas for various vaults in the independent new vegas and the NCR new vegas thread, since settlers were to figure into those story lines/mods. IIRC Vault 3 was a good candidate for both NCR & independent population. It's not in great shape, but it's available. 11 and 19 are in reasonably good shape IIRC.


Vault 34 would be a good spot for ghoul settlers with all the rads.


Vault 22 could have a storyline to retrieve a toxin or pesticide to kill all the vegetation, and start anew. I think most of it could be cleaned up pretty easily with a script based solution making liberal use of disable.


But I think the key here is you need to contribute some ideas and put some effort in, assuming you'd like to see this happen. After all this could be anything from as simple as a home makeover to a full fledged mod with quest lines (for peeps, equipment, survival), lots of NPCs with dialog, etc.

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