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How to change texture tone?


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Aw, yeah! It works! It ALL WORKS! :D Plus paint.NET is so damn easy to use I can even add my own stuff and not just edit things! Woot! :teehee:


Thanks a lot for all the help guys. :yes:



Time to do some serious textures. :pirate:

If you're making textures (or re-textures) for races, creatures (or anything, really), you'll need to create NormalMaps of them as well.


NormalMaps share the same name as the main textures they're paired with, but end with _n. I'll use the Glass Cuirass as an example.


The texture that appears in game is cuirass.dds and it's normalmap is cuirass_n.dds. If you change the color of the main texture to blue and save it as cuirassBlue.dds, you'll need to create a normalmap called cuirassBlue_n.dds for it to work.


There is a way to get your new texture to use the same normalmap as the original (and eliminate the need to create a new normalmap). Save your new texture with the same name as the original, but with a description placed after _. I'll use the glass cuirass re-texture from above as a better example.


Instead of saving the blue re-texture as cuirassBlue.dds, save it as cuirass_Blue.dds. As long as the new texture (in this case, cuirass_blue.dds) is saved in this manner to the same folder as the old one, the new texture will use the same normalmap (and glowmap, if applicable) as the original.

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